
Nouvelle publication sur l'architecture en terre: "Bâtir en terre: Du grain de sable à l'architecture"

Bâtir en terre: Du grain de sable à l'architecture. Par Laetitia Fontaine et Romain Anger (Laboratoire CRATerre-Ensag). Editions BELIN. (2009)

La terre est un matériau de construction immédiatement à disposition et recyclable, ne nécessitant souvent que peu de transformations et donc énergétiquement avantageux. Ce livre propose un panorama de l'exceptionnel patrimoine en terre, de la mythique Shibam au Yémen, jusqu'aux étranges habitations collectives des Hakkas en Chine, en passant par les cases obus du Cameroun, sans oublier les réalisations des architectes contemporains. L'ouvrage accompagne l'exposition « Ma terre première» à la Cité des sciences et de l'industrie de Paris.


IFLA Newsletter n° 85 - Competitions issue (November 2009)

In this issue we think of the achievements of the past and prospects for future growth in landscape architecture. When these achievements are presented at competitions, they enter that unusual space where expressions of the close relationships developed with clients are subjected to the most intense professional scrutiny. As Jon Bryan Burley counsels us, although not all can win a competition award, we have the potential to learn and grow in the process of trying.
In this issue we salute Bernard Lassus for the award of the 2009 Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe Medal. We also acknowledge the passing away of Nava Polman - Gerson, a friend and a staunch participant in IFLA business and meetings.

Download IFLA Newsletter n° 85

Source: IFLA website


'Preservation vs. Development': An interview with the ICOMOS President Gustavo Araoz on TV

Interview with the ICOMOS President, Mr Gustavo Araoz, on NHK TV (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) about the project to build a bridge in Tomonoura (Japan)

Watch the interview

Modern heritage properties (19th and 20th Centuries) on the World Heritage List

The ICOMOS Documentation Centre has produced a bibliography on the Modern heritage properties on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The document includes a description of the World heritage properties with a bibliography based on the documents available at the Documentation Centre.

Download the document


Conserving architecture: Planned conservation of XX Century Architectural Heritage

Conservare l'architettura: Conservazione programmata per il patrimonio architettonico del XX secolo. A cura di Andrea Canziani

The Planned Conservation is the ability to see the Cultural Heritage over time and to govern its transformations. Knowledge, prevention, control, operations planning, replace the idea of restoration as a defensive action aimed to prevent any changes with the idea of conservation as a co-evolution between humans and heritage.

The practice of preventive and planned conservation are presented as a strategic move to preserve the architectural heritage of the twentieth century. Modern heritage is particularly vulnerable to risks of accelerated deterioration due to material, formal and technological characteristics. Control and cure, indeed, are the most effective defense of its authenticity.

The essays in this volume present ideas, researches and international cases related to the conservation of buildings and sites of modernity. It outlines a framework that reveals different cultural contexts of protection and unpublished lines of continuity and consistency.
Reflections on the legal and regulatory frameworks, on social and cultural impacts, on sustainability and economic efficiency, on the role of knowledge, diagnostics and monitoring, highlight the potential related to the transition from restoration as an exceptional occurrence to conservation as knowledge and constant care.

The volume contains also the contributions presented in October 2009 at the International Conference “Planned Conservation of XXth Century Architectural Heritage” promoted by the Municipality of Como within the CARIPLO Foundation’s project "Spreading innovative methodologies for Planned Conservation of historic architectural heritage”.
The conference was conducted with the support of:
DOCOMOMO Italy - Italian Association for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neigbourhoods of the Modern Movement -
UNESCO Chair on Preventive Conservation Maintenance and Monitoring of Monuments and Sites. POLITECNICO DI MILANO - Department of Building & Environment Science & Technology

Andrea Canziani, PhD architect, specialist in Restoration of Monuments, professor of Architectural Restoration at the Politecnico di Milano Faculty of Architecture and Society.
Concerned with issues of conservation of cultural heritage with specific attention to the twentieth century and the relationship between architecture, landscape and cultural and social development.
Is a member of DOCOMOMO International-International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neigbourhoods of the Modern Movement-and Secretary General of DOCOMOMO Italy.
Website: http://www.plannedconservationcomo2009.com/


Conservation Perspectives: The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter, Vol. 24, 2

Conservation Perspectives: The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter, Vol. 24, 2 (Fall 2009)

This issue has just been published and it is available on the GCI website.

Table of contents:

A Note from the Director
Timothy P. Whalen

Modern and Contemporary Art: New Conservation Challenges, Conflicts, and Considerations
By Thomas J. S. Learner

Modern and Contemporary Art: A Personal Reflection
By Carol Mancusi-Ungaro

POPART: An International Research Project on the Conservation of Plastics
By Bertrand Lavédrine, Rachel Rivenc, and Michael Schilling

Cleaning Acrylic Emulsion Paintings
By Bronwn Ormsby and Alan Phenix

INCCA: A Model for Conserving Contemporary Art
By Glenn Wharton

Competing Commitments: A Discussion about Ethical Dilemmas in the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art
A Discussion about Ethical Dilemmas in the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art

Key Resources
A list of key resources related to conservation of modern and contemporary art

GCI News
Projects, events, and publications



ICCROM Newsletter n° 35 - October 2009 - Special edition

ICCROM Newsletter n° 25: A special edition conmemorating ICCROM's 50th Anniversary with timelines highlighting the milestones of the organization.
Content: from Rome Centre to ICCROM; as we wove forward; the '50s and ‘60s: the early years of the Rome Centre; the ‘70s: new headquarters, expanding horizons; ICCROM goes digital; fifty years of preventive conservation with ICCROM; the '80s: a time of 'consolidation'; the '90s: embracing a wider view; the millennium: new challenges; messages from friends and family; making a difference.

Download the Newsletter in English - Français - Castellano - Arabic

Source: ICCROM website


INORA, the International Newsletter on Rock Art, n° 55, 2009

INORA, the International Newsletter on Rock Art, issue n° 55, 2009, has just been published.

Le n° 55, 2009, d'INORA, la Lettre Internationale d'Informations sur l'Art Rupestre, vient d'être publié.

In this issue / Dans ce numéro:
- La "bête" de Stanton Moor dans le Peak District, Derbyshire, Angleterre / The "beast" of Stanton Moor in the Peak District, Derbyshire, England - By Barry Lewis

- Découverte d'art pariétal paléolithique à la Cueva de Cordoveganes I (Puertas de Vidiago, Llanes, Asturies, Espagne) / Discovery of Palaeolithic rock art in Cueva de Cordoveganes I ((Puertas de Vidiago, Llanes, Asturias, Spain)- By Silvia Santamaría Santamaría, José Manuel Morlote Expósito, Emilio Muñoz Fernández & Ramón Montes Barquín

- Repérage de nouvelles peintures dans l'est de l'Insulinde (Misool) et identification des paramètres génériques de leur présence / The location of new paintings in the east of the Archipelago (Misool) and identification of the generic parameters of their presence - By Jean-Michel Chazine

- Nouveau musée d'art rupestre en Chine / A new rock art museum in China

- Centre de ressources Jean Clottes à Tarascon-sur-Ariège (France) / Jean clottes Documentation Center at Tarascon-sur-Ariège (France)

- Les problèmes de Lascaux (suite) / The problems of the Lascaux Cave (continuation) - By Jean clottes

- LBI: Base de données en ligne des inscriptions libyco-berbères / LBI: Libyco-berber inscriptions on-line Database - By Werner Pichler



To subscribe / pour s'abonner


Museum International n° 243: ICCROM Commemorating Excellence - available

MUSEUM International, UNESCO’s quarterly journal on museum and heritage at the international level, will devote the fall 2009 issue (n° 243) to the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM).

The creation of ICCROM marked a highly significant step in the commitment of the international community to devote resources and gather expertise for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. The proposal to create an intergovernmental centre for the study and improvement of methods of restoration was adopted at the 9th session of the UNESCO General Conference in New Delhi in 1956. Since then, UNESCO and ICCROM have worked in close partnership to implement conservation projects and raise global awareness for the protection of cultural heritage in all its dimensions.

By devoting the forthcoming issue of MUSEUM International to ICCROM, UNESCO wishes to pay tribute to the longstanding cooperation and common achievements that have linked the two organizations in the past fifty years.

The issue will present in three chapters all key aspects of the work of ICCROM, from the past to the future. Short messages from experts and participants at ICCROM training programmes will also be collected and presented to emphasize the role of ICCROM as a place of communication and solidarity.

Source: UNESCO website


Earth, Wind, Water, Fire - Environmental challenges to Urban World Heritage

The City of Regensburg hosted the OWHC Northwest-European Regional Conference "Earth, Wind, Water, Fire - Environmental challenges to Urban World Heritage" (16-18 September 2008).

The conference proceedings have now been published by the City of Regensburg. This scientific publication summarizes the conference results, highlights experiences with environmental challenges and points out different protection strategies for historic urban areas by depicting the numerous conference presentations on 'Earth', 'Wind', 'Water' and 'Fire' which covered a wide spectrum of natural risks to urban World Heritage sites.

Download the publication in pdf

Source: City of Regensburg


Scientific Journals online: City & Time (Vol. 4, 2, 2009) and In Situ (n° 12, 2009) available

New issues available online of:

- City & Time, Volume 4, n° 2, (2009)
City & Time is the first international journal devoted to the study and advancement of the conservation/transformation process of cities. It brings together the interests of scholars and practitioners from a wide variety of disciplines, promoting interdisciplinary effort to address the issues. The journal focusses on concepts that seek improving the quality of life in the cities by actively using heritage as catalyzer of development

- In Situ, n° 12 (3 Nov 2009) (Le patrimoine religieux des XIXe et XXe siècles - 2ème partie)
Les objectifs essentiels de le revue :
— Offrir à l'ensemble des professionnels du patrimoine un organe de diffusion des résultats de leurs travaux portant sur la connaissance, les conservation et la valorisation du patrimoine ;
— favoriser les échanges entre les différents acteurs et les différentes disciplines de la recherche appliquée au patrimoine ;
— mettre à disposition du public les nouvelles connaissances sur le patrimoine.
La revue est ouverte à des contributions émanant de spécialistes extérieurs : universités, CNRS, musées, écoles d’architecture…
In Situ est une revue scientifique, ayant un comité de validation des articles avant leur diffusion.


'Conserving the authentic: essays in honour of Jukka Jokilehto': An ICCROM publication

A surprise celebration was held on 6 November to commemorate the lifetime achievements of Jukka Jokilehto through the publication of a book, 'Conserving the authentic: essays in honour of Jukka Jokilehto'. This also marks the 10th volume of the ICCROM Conservation Studies series.
The publication is a recognition to Jukka Jokilehto’s contribution and dedication to the conservation profession, in developing both theory and practice. His role as a mentor and leading thinker in the field are highlighted in the volume’s contents

CIPA: Proceedings of the 22nd CIPA Symposium, 11-15 October 2009, Kyoto, Japan

The proceedings of the 22nd CIPA Symposium: "Digital Documentation, Interpretation & Presentation of Cultural Heritage", held in Kyoto, Japan, 11-15 October 2009, are now available online in the CIPA website.

Download the proceedings


ICOMOS France: Petit traité des Grands Sites: Réfléchir et agir sur les hauts lieux de notre patrimoine

Petit traité des Grands Sites: Réfléchir et agir sur les hauts lieux de notre patrimoine. Coordonné par Jean-Pierre Thibault

Nombre de sites, petits ou grands, sont aujourd'hui menacés d'altération, de dégradation, voire d'indifférence. Cet ouvrage s'adresse à tous ceux que cette situation préoccupe ou qui entreprennent une démarche de sauvegarde, de gestion et de mise en valeur fondée sur l'esprit des lieux. Ce traité repose sur l'expérience de la politique des Grands Sites, initiée et pilotée par le ministère chargé de l'environnement depuis 1976. Il s'enrichit également d'exemples de sites étrangers et d'éclairages apportés par la gestion des sites inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco. A partir de témoignages et de sites choisis pour leur pertinence, dans chacun des thèmes abordés, ce guide des bonnes pratiques, ou plutôt des bonnes questions, invite à réfléchir sur les différents aspects qui paraissent incontournables pour la gouvernance d'un développement touristique et culturel durable: comment régler les problèmes, souvent conjugués, que sont la dégradation physique ou écologique d'un site, la perte de ses habitants. Proposant à plusieurs questions fondamentales des réponses ou des pistes multiples, l'ouvrage se veut un document engagé, mais en aucune façon doctrinaire. Comme pour un guide que l'on emporte avec soi dans la visite d'un site, nul n'est censé le suivre à la lettre. Chacun y butine, dans l'ordre qu'il souhaite, telle ou telle indication qui paraît utile à son parcours ou à sa découverte.


Nouvelle publication: Pierre et patrimoine: connaissance et conservation

Cet ouvrage, qui résulte du travail collectif d'une vingtaine de spécialistes aux compétences variées, présente l'état des connaissances sur la pierre - ses provenances, son extraction, ses propriétés - et livre une vision actuelle sur la construction en pierre, ses techniques et ses règles. Tirant parti des travaux de recherche les plus récents, il fait le point sur les altérations qui affectent ce matériau et sur leur diagnostic. Il décrit enfin les principes et les méthodes de restauration et de conservation actuels, en attirant l'attention sur l'importance des opérations de suivi et d'entretien qui doivent accompagner ces interventions.

Ouvrage disponible chez ACTES SUD


Revista PATRIMONIO n° 39 (Oct. - Nov. - Dic. 2009) disponible

La Fundación del Patrimonio Histórico de Castilla y León acaba de publicar el n° 39 de la Revista PATRIMONIO (Octubre - Diciembre 2009)

Se encuentra disponible en el sitio web de la Fundacion

Source: Fundacion del Patrimonio Historico de Castilla y Leon


Patrimonio del Siglo 20 - Movimiento Moderno: Publicaciones online

Publicaciones disponibles:

- El patrimonio del movimiento moderno : pensamientos, reflexiones, aprendizajes. Editado por Stella Maris Casal [Download]

- El patrimonio arquitectónico rehabilitado del siglo 20 en Buenos Aires: el patrimonio moderno. Documentos de Trabajo N° 229, Universidad de Belgrano. (Texts in Spanish and English)
[http://www.ub.edu.ar/investigaciones/dt_nuevos/229_casal.pdf](Enlace disponible proximamente)


Proceedings of the Scientific Symposium 'Finding the spirit of place' (Quebec 2008) - available online

The proceedings of the Scientific Symposium "Finding the spirit of place: between the tangible and the intangible", held in Quebec, Canada (29th of Sept. - 4th of October 2008) during the 16th ICOMOS General Assembly, are now available online in the ICOMOS website.

Les Actes du Symposium Scientifique "Où se cache l'esprit du lieu?: entre le matériel et l'immatériel", tenu à Québec, Canada (du 29 septembre au 5 octobre 2008) pendant la 16ème Assemblée Générale de l'ICOMOS, sont désormais en ligne sur le site web de l'ICOMOS.

Download the proceedings / Télécharger les actes


Diccionario urbano, conceptual y transdisciplinar, por Jorge Benavides Solís

El uso de las palabras bien puede considerarse indicio de la dirección de los procesos culturales, sociales y económicos. En este diccionario, analizadas unidireccionalmente, no todas provienen directamente del urbanismo ni tienen que ver con la ciudad pero, inter-relacionándolas, es decir, poniéndolas bajo una lente holística de comprensión sistémica de la realidad, se encontrará que es así. Muchas tienen origen en la administración de empresas, en las técnicas del marketing y en la publicidad, sin embargo ya han sido incorporadas con naturalidad, acríticamente, al ámbito operativo de la Urbanística, de la Ordenación del Territorio y de la administración de la ciudad. Jorge Benavides Solís (Autor)

Kit of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

The kit on intangible cultural heritage is a basic reference and pedagogical instrument for promoting and ensuring an effective understanding of intangible cultural heritage and the 2003 Convention by governments, communities, experts, concerned UN agencies, NGOs and interested individuals. It has been published in September 2009 on the occasion of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held from 28 September to 2 October 2009,

Conceived as a flexible tool, in which new brochures adapted to the local situation can be included, the kit should be continuously developed and translated into as many languages as possible.

The first version has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Government of Norway. It is composed of 7 brochures and fact sheets on 12 safeguarding projects, all downloadable.

Download the Kit - [English][Français]

Source: UNESCO Culture Sector - Intangible Cultural Heritage


UNESCO World Report: Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue

This World Report aims to become a reference tool for cultural diversity. Cultural diversity, which is too often reduced to the protection of heritage in danger, is also the development of intercultural skills, the search for an antidote to expressions of cultural isolationism, the road towards new forms of governance, the lever of the effective exercise of universally recognized human rights and a means to reduce imbalances in the world trade in creative products.

Media and cultural industries represent more than 7 % of global GDP and represent approximately US$1.3 trillion, i.e. approximately twice the level of receipts from international tourism, estimated at US$680 billion. Africa’s share in the global trade in creative products remains marginal – at less than 1 % of worldwide exports – despite its abundance of creative talent. In order to improve this situation, it is urgent to invest in cultural diversity and dialogue, the Report insists.

Culture was the great forgotten issue among the Millennium Development Goals’, deplored Koïchiro Matsuura, UNESCO’s Director-General, adding that ‘it has become urgent in our world, which is confronted to cultural changes of all sorts, to learn how to manage change and ensure that it does not becomes a source of greater vulnerability for those who are badly prepared to face it." This is clearly the meaning of the ten recommendations drawn by the Report about ways to invest in cultural diversity. The Report especially suggests creating a ‘World Observatory on Cultural Diversity, to monitor the impacts of globalization’, setting up a "national mechanism for monitoring public policies as they relate to cultural diversity," and implementing "national language policies with a view to both safeguarding linguistic diversity and promoting multilingual competencies."

The Report also puts forward new strategies to facilitate intercultural dialogue, improve the relevance of educational contents, overcome stereotypes in the media and facilitate the exchange of artistic productions and the circulation of artists. Aimed at the academic world as well as the general public, this Report develops a new vision of cultural diversity, which stresses its dynamic nature and the need to combat the development of cultural illiteracy, which is promoted by the acceleration of social transformations.

Full report [English]

La Rivista Siti, Trimestrale di attualità e politica culturale: Anno 5, n° 4, 2009

La Rivista Siti, Trimestrale di attualità e politica culturale, the fourth issue of 2009, (Ottobre/Dicembre, Anno 5, n° 4, 2009) is available to download in the website.

Download the issue


Boletin de interpretación, n° 21, Septiembre 2009

La Asociacion para la Interpretacion del Patrimonio (AIP) acaba de publicar en su pagina web el numero 21 (septiembre de 2009) del 'Boletin de Interpretacion'.

Descargue el boletin / Download the bulletin

Source: Asociacion para la Interpretación del Patrimonio (AIP)

IFLA Newsletter n° 84 - In search of sustainability - IFLA News Brief n° 24

IFLA Newsletter n° 84 - In search of sustainability (4th of October 2009)- Available online!

Whatever the approach in our articles and in the wealth of perspectives in presentations to be shown in Rio de Janeiro, we landscape architects have a duty to our clients, to the people who are affected by our designs and to biodiversity itself, to act as stewards of landscapes. Our duty is to conserve and enhance landscapes so that they function and endure. Certainly, we design for beauty, but that is not the end of it. We also design for sustenance, health, diversity and connectivity, and so that community rights in our landscapes are maintained.

Download the IFLA Newsletter 84

Download the IFLA News Brief n° 24

Source: International Federation of Landscape Architects


Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 48

The Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 48 (19th of October 2009) has just been published on their website

Download the newsletter in English - Français - Español

Source: Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage website


E_Conservation Magazine - N° 11, October 2009


Issue No. 11 of e_conservation magazine
is now online and available for free download!



ICOMOS Scientific Symposium: Changing World, Changing Views of Heritage: The impact of global change on cultural heritage – Technological Change

ICOMOS Scientific Symposium:
Changing World, Changing Views of Heritage: The impact of global change on cultural heritage – Technological Change
Malta, 7th of October 2009)

The papers of this symposium are available on the ICOMOS website


Workshop on inventories/Atelier sur les inventaires: proceedings

Strengthening institutional and legal frameworks: workshop on inventories (10-12 December 2008, Paris)
First legal workshop on cultural heritage inventories in Mediterranean Partner countries organised by the RMSU in collaboration with the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement

These Proceedings present the documents related to the workshop on INVENTORIES that took place in Paris, at UNESCO Headquarters. It is the result of a fruitful co-operation between the Euromed Heritage programme of the European Union and the Agreement France-UNESCO.

Download the proceedings and the recommendations


ICOMOS France: New publication - Structures en bois dans le patrimoine bâti

Structures en bois dans le patrimoine bâti

La présente publication constitue les actes du colloque "Conservation-restauration des structures bois, application au patrimoine bâti", qui s'est tenu à Metz du 29 au 31 mai 2008, dans le cadre des journées techniques internationales de l'ICOMOS.
Ce colloque avait été organisé par ICOMOS France, en partenariat avac le Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques, la Compagnie des architectes en chef des Monuments Historiques et la Confédération de l'artisanat et des petites entreprises du bâtiment.

Il a également bénéficié du soutien de la délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France, the European cooperation in the field of scientific and Technical research, la région Lorraine, le département de Moselle, le ville de Metz et la communauté de l'agglomération Metz métropole.

Il regroupe 34 articles issu des interventions du colloque.

Pour commander / To order: icomos.france@wanadoo.fr

Source: ICOMOS France


Getty Research Library: New titles in the conservation collection (August 2009)

The list of the recently acquired titles in the Conservation Collection in the Research Library at the Getty Research Institute is available online

Download the list

Source: GCI Center

Proceedings online: IX World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities

Historic cities are often perceived as a major asset for economic development. The IX World Congress of the OWHC—held in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation, in June 2007— focused on the challenges and opportunities presented by historic cities. The proceedings are availalble in English, Spanish and French.

Download the proceedings: [English][Français][Español]

Source: Getty Conservation Institute

Getty Conservation Institute Bulletin - October 2009

The GCI Bulletin, October 2009, is now available on the website

Read the bulletin

Source: The Getty Conservation Institute

RehabiMed Bulletin, n° 14

RehabiMed bulletin is a publication that serves as a means of communication for members of RehabiMed, with contents related to the rehabilitation of traditional architecture in the Mediterranean basin.

Download n° 14 - [English][Français][Español][Català]

Source: RehabiMed

Australia ICOMOS: (Un)Loved Modern Conference papers available online

Papers and presentation slides for most of the presentations at the recent (Un)Loved Modern Conference held in Sydney (7-10 July 2009) are now available online from the Australia ICOMOS conference website www.aicomos.com.

The papers are arranged according to the conference themes. Keynote presentations are also available.

Selected papers will also be published in forthcoming issues of Historic Environment, following an editorial and peer review process.

Download the papers


World Heritage Status: Is there an Opportunity for Economic Gain?

This report, "World Heritage Status: Is there an Opportunity for Economic Gain?: Research and analysis of the socio-economic impact potential of UNESCO World Heritage Site status", is a research and analysis of the socio-economic impact potential of WH status undertaken by Rebanks Consulting and Trends Business Research Ltd, on behalf on the Lake District World Heritage Project.

Download the report


4th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Abu Dhabi (Sept 28-Oct. 2, 2009)

The fourth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage takes place in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) from 28 September to 2 October 2009. The Committee will, among other things, inscribe the first intangible cultural heritage elements on the Urgent Safeguarding List and the Representative List, as well as select safeguarding programmes, projects and activities that it considers best reflect the principles and objectives of the Convention. One hundred and eleven nominations for the Representative List have been examined from 11 to 15 May 2009 by a subsidiary body of the Committee. In Abu Dhabi, the Committee will decide whether the elements shall or shall not be inscribed.

See the Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) website

Taormina Declaration: "Saving Europe's memory and identity"

Adopted by the participants of the EUROPA NOSTRA FORUM on “Safeguarding Europe’s Historic Small Towns and Villages and their Surrounding Landscapes” organised in cooperation with ITALIA NOSTRA
Taormina, Sicily, 4 June 2009

Read the Declaration in the Europa Nostra website


MOSAIKON: A Regional Strategy for the Conservation of Mosaics in the Mediterranean

ATHAR-MOSAIKON: Conservation and Management of Mosaics on Archaeological Sites
3–21 May 2010
Tyre, Lebanon
Application deadline: 30 November 2009

Project Objectives

MOSAIKON is a partnership of four institutions: the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, ICCROM (the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property), and the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics (ICCM).

The objectives of MOSAIKON are:

- to strengthen the ICCM and the network of professionals concerned with the conservation, restoration, maintenance, and management of the mosaics heritage;
- to provide training to a variety of individuals involved in mosaics conservation and, more generally, with the management of archaeological sites and museums with mosaics;
- to work with national and international bodies to provide a more favorable legislative, regulatory, and economic environment for the conservation of mosaics in the Mediterranean; and
- to promote the dissemination and exchange of information.

Read more about the project in the Getty Conservation Institute website and in the ICCROM website


Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 47

The Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 47 (24th of September 2009) has just been published on their website

Download the newsletter in English - Français - Español

Source: Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage website


Esempi di Architettura n°7: Rehabilitation planning in the historical towns of the occupied Palestinian territory

The issue n° 7 of Esempi di Architettura: Rehabilitation planning in the historical towns of the occupied Palestinian territory, edited by Elisa Palazzo, will be launched in Rome on October the 1st.

For more details see http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/index.php


Film on the Underwater Cultural Heritage Convention 2001

See the film on the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001).

Watch the film

Source: UNESCO website


Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2009

The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2009 was provided to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts on 30 June 2009 and subsequently tabled in the Australian Parliament.

The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2009 is a summary of the past and present condition of the environmental, economic and social values of the Great Barrier Reef and presents its possible future.

This first Outlook Report highlights that the Great Barrier Reef is one of the most diverse and remarkable ecosystems in the world and remains one of the most healthy coral reef ecosystems. Climate change, continued declining water quality from catchment runoff, loss of coastal habitats from coastal development and a small number of impacts from fishing are identified as the priority issues reducing the resilience of the Great Barrier Reef.

The Outlook Report has been prepared by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority based on the best available information. Many people with an interest in the Great Barrier Reef have contributed to its development, including leading Great Barrier Reef scientists, industry representatives and members of regional communities. The Report was independently peer reviewed.

Download the report

Proceedings of the conference "Paisajes Históricos Urbanos - Metodología de Gestión del Patrimonio Urbano"

Paisajes Históricos Urbanos - Metodología de Gestión del Patrimonio Urbano
San Juan, Argentina, 22 al 24 de abril de 2009
Organizado por IDIS (Instituto de Teoría, Historia y Crítica del Diseño), de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de San Juan ICOMOS Argentina (Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios).
ISBN 978-950605572-1

The proceedings of the Conference are available online in the website of ICOMOS Argentina

Las actas de la conferencia están disponibles online en la web de ICOMOS Argentina


Moscow Heritage at Crisis Point - updated edition available online

Moscow Heritage at Crisis Point - Updated, expanded edition

The report is a follow up to the 2007 report, which brought the crisis that Moscow’s heritage is undergoing into the centre of national and international attention. Despite the successes of the report, the destruction continues. The scale of the threat is such that a new edition of the report was considered necessary.

The new report details the changes of the last two years – what new losses the city has suffered, which buildings are under continuing or new threat, why this is happening, and also outlines the path for a more sustainable future for the city.

This new report from SAVE Europe’s Heritage and the Moscow Architectural Preservation Society (MAPS), with support from Do.Co.Mo.Mo International, condemns the losses while illustrating the astonishing range of historic building in Moscow, from medieval churches to elegant post-war modernism – all threatened by the furious pace of redevelopment of the city by a coterie of property developers during the tenure of Mayor Yury Luzhkov.

Download the publication


Cultural landscapes and cultural routes - Draft report of expert meeting - Australia ICOMOS

Cultural landscapes and cultural routes: Shared issues and challenges for the Australian members of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees (ISCs)

Draft Report of expert meeting, Saturday, 1 August 2009
Australian National University, Canberra

Prepared by Sandy Blair, Juliet Ramsay, Sarah Titchen and Stuart Read

Download the report


DOCOMOMO E-proceedings

SOUTH CITY - Modernist Urbanism in the Southern Hemisphere: Past, Present, Future
Symposium, January 22—23, 2009
Edinburgh College of Art – University of Edinburgh

Download the proceedings of the Symposium

Held in Edinburgh in late January 2009, the “South City” Symposium sought to provoke a stimulating interaction between the heritage and future of modernist urbanism in the southern hemisphere. Organized jointly by Docomomo International Committee on Urbanism Landscape, the Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies, Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) and the University of Edinburgh, it brought together a range of experts on urbanism in South America, Africa and Southern Asia, together with a range of original films, to pose the question of what contribution the considerable legacy of modernist planning and architecture, dating mainly from the postwar years, can make to the challenges of the vastly expanded urban growth of the C21.

The event opened on the evening of Thursday 22 January with a keynote address at Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) by Frederico de Holanda (Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo), one of the foremost experts on the history and development of the Brazilian capital, focusing on how its revolutionary utopian design concept, with all its myths and its vernacular life, has fared in the decades since its initial launch.

Prof. Holanda also contributed a research paper to the all-day session at University of Edinburgh Architecture on Friday 23 January, along with Edinburgh-based international experts on the modernist city in South America, Africa and Asia: the 23 January session was also, appropriately, the venue for the launch of a new Docomomo International Southern Hemisphere liaison group, chaired by Ola Uduku of ECA, aimed at helping expand Docomomo’s activities beyond its current predominantly Northern Hemisphere focus.

ICCROM Conservation Series - New PDF's available

ICCROM has made available on their website all the ICCROM Conservation Series publications.

You may download them all in pdf format, together with other interesting publications, in the ICCROM website

Source: ICCROM


Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco promotes Life Beyond Tourism

Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco promotes Life Beyond Tourism for intercultural dialogue with a tourism based on values not only on consumer services

The Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation is a non-profit Florentine institution endorsing an array of cultural events in order to encourage mutual exchanges of knowledge among young students, academicians and professionals from different countries with an extensive network of universities, libraries, museums, embassies, consulates, as well as public and private cultural institutions and organizations worldwide.

Within this decennial activity, the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation has recently focused on the research and promotion of Life Beyond Tourism® a project designed to promote acquaintance with cultural diversity and with traditional knowledge, to impart real added value to travel destinations, and to foster respect among peoples while allowing for their ongoing cultural and economic growth.
Life Beyond Tourism® is identified in its Manifesto, and the international community www.lifebeyondtourism.com is the tool for the project’s diffusion and development.

IFLA Newsletter n° 83, July 2009

IFLA Newsletter n° 83, July 2009 is now available!

Download the issue

Community Collaboration
Collaboration for a landscape architect comes in many forms. As we can see from the articles in this issue of IFLA News, we collaborate on a spectrum from eliciting community feelings and beliefs by way of a process involving no formal consultation or structured meetings, through more proactive meetings, charettes, and steering committees to achieve shared and negotiated outcomes, to community mobilisation at a district or national level.

Articles featuring different levels of community ownership have been contributed from the Americas (Cecilia B. Herzog on a collaborative team in Rio de Janeiro and Beata Dreksler rescuing a central Guatemala City park), and from Europe (Thomas Knoll on transnational collaboration). Others come from Asia and the Pacific: Iran (Mohammad Motallebi on national action on tree planting), Japan (Mayumi Hayashi on community input into urban reconstruction after earthquake devastation), New Zealand (Dennis Scott) and Australia. The issue is introduced by Greg Grabasch who describes two examples of engagement with local communities in the far northwest of Western Australia. Whereas interventions in the past in this region have tended to occur regardless of community wishes, a new approach has allowed local ownership of landscape developments and a better result for visitors alike.
Source: IFLA website

International Preservation News n° 48 online

The International Preservation News 48 is now online on IFLA website.

This issue is dedicated to Paper.

Download the document.

The International Preservation News, a newsletter of the IFLA Core Activity on Preservation and Conservation, is distributed online and in paper version free of charge.
Any person interested in the paper version may write to
christiane.baryla@bnf.fr or

Charter of historic towns updated

A working meeting of the International Scientific Committee for Historic Towns (CIVVIH-ICOMOS) was held in Athens, 8-9 May 2009, to update the Charter of Historic Towns. 22 Years after its adoption, new evidence has arisen which necessitates the the reformulation of the guidelines for the specialists engaged in the protection of Historic Towns.

Following the Committee's discussion, it was unanimously decided to maintain the Charter of Historic Towns in its initial form, "as it constitutes a «historic text» as well as to draft a guidelines text completing and taking into consideration all the precedent relative theoretic texts and which will be addressed not only to professionals, but also to the regional bodies, the decision-making centers of the political and state bodies."

A forthcoming revision of the guidelines text will include definitions, aspects of change, principles, as well as proposed policies and strategies. "Moreover, it will include elements which either have not been mentioned in previous texts, or have not been adequately analyzed (for example, tangible and intangible values, environmental assessment, sustainable development, the meaning of urban landscape, the understanding of the historic town within the ensemble of the town and its territory, the need for buffer zones that contribute to the protection, the need for drawing up management plans etc)."

The complete report can be downloaded in PDF
format from http://www.international.icomos.org/isc/CIVVIH/ISC_CIVVIH_Report_Meeting_Athens_200905_EN.pdf

For more information, contact CIVVIH:

The View
Triq Cens I-Gharus
Ghajnsielem GSM 2021

Tel: +356 2155 7595
Tel: +356 2295 4328
Fax: +356 7934 5678
Email: ray.bondin@gov.mt
Email: heritageinmalta@gmail.com



Case studies on Climate Change and World Heritage

Originally published in 2007 in English, this publication has now been reprinted for the third time in English and translated into French and Spanish. It presents twenty-six case studies from selected natural and cultural World Heritage sites in order to illustrate the impacts of climate change that have already been observed, and those that can be expected in the future. This is a foundation publication for the study of the effects of climate change that can be useful to experts as well as the general public. The original publication was funded by the United Nations Foundation and the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport, while the third English edition and the translation and printing of the French and Spanish versions were made possible by a financial contribution from the Flemish and Spanish Funds-in-Trust.

Case Studies on Climate change and World Heritage(English)
Estudios de caso - Cambio climático y Patrimonio Mundial (Español)
Études de cas - Changement climatique et patrimoine mondial (Français)

Source: UNESCO World Heritage Centre

Patrimoine de l'industrie: ressources, pratiques, cultures, n° 21

Le numéro 21/2009 de la revue scientifique du TICCIH, Patrimoine de l'industrie: ressources, pratiques, cultures vient d'être publié.

Pour les souscriptions / achat de la revue, contactez Mr. Louis Bergeron (lbergeron@wanadoo.fr)

Colloque "Lieux de mémoire, musée(s) d'histoire(s)": Actes en ligne

Dans le cadre du cycle des Rencontres européennes du patrimoine, l’Institut national du patrimoine et le musée des Monuments français de la Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, ont organisé le colloque « Lieux de mémoire, musée(s) d’histoire(s) » les 18 et 19 juin 2009 à Paris. Ce colloque a connu un grand succès et a attiré un public nombreux.

Vous pouvez retrouver l’intégralité des débats ainsi qu’une revue de presse consacrée au colloque sur le site Internet de l’INP

L’enregistrement est également accessible sur le site de France Culture

Emilie Maume
Chargée de la Communication et de la Diffusion

Institut national du patrimoine
Galerie Colbert
2, rue Vivienne
75002 Paris

Téléphone : 33 (0)1 44 41 16 11
Courriel : emilie.maume@inp.fr


ICOMOS International Conference: "The Image of heritage: changing perception, permanent responsibilities"

The proceedings of the ICOMOS International Conference: "The Image of heritage: changing perception, permanent responsibilities", (Florence, Italy, 6-8 March 2009) are now online.

The Conference was organised by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation (Florence) and the ICOMOS ISC on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration.

Since the beginning of civilization, man’s main form of contact with works of architecture has consisted in visiting them physically(pilgrimages, journeys and recently tourism). Getting to know them indirectly from descriptions or visually was possible only through the media, changing and becoming more powerful with altering technology (printing techniques, graphic techniques, photography, film, television, recently computer technology).

The current rapid development of tourism and the media and their increasing accessibility have in recent years radically changed our perception of the cultural heritage.

These changes require a scientific description and analysis, leading to a diagnosis of the current situation and a prognosis of future developments.
What role should tourism have, and how can it be made into sustainable cultural tourism? What role and responsibility should the media take on? What benefits and threats do the development of tourism and the media bring with them? What kind of approach should the international movement for the conservation of the cultural and natural heritage adopt towards these phenomena?

Proceedings online


Revista PATRIMONIO n° 38 (julio - agosto - septiembre 2009) disponible

la Fundacion del Patrimonio Historico de Castilla y Leon acaba de publicar el n° 38 de la Revista PATRIMONIO (julio - septiembre 2009)

Se encuentra disponible para descargar en el sitio web de la Fundacion

Source: Fundacion del Patrimonio Historico de Castilla y Leon


E_Conservation Magazine - N° 10, June 2009

The 10th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download!

Read more


AFRICA 2009 Programme: New publication

'Protection juridique du patrimoine culturel immoblilier :
Orientations pour les pays francophones de l’Afrique subsaharienne'

This book, published as part of the AFRICA 2009 Programme, presents the legal frameworks for immovable cultural heritage protection in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa. Proposes guidelines for creating legal norms with respect to cultural heritage. The book is a tool to set up procedures that permit sustainable heritage protection using a clear juridical framework and institutions provided with adequate means.

The book is priced at 20 euros, can be purchased from the online bookshop.

Contents (original in French)

Mounir Bouchenaki
Thierry Joffroy
•Comment utiliser ces orientations
•Chapitre 1 : le patrimoine culturel immobilier africain et sa protection
Chapitre 2 : la construction des systèmes juridiques de protection
Chapitre 3 : les institutions en charge de la protection
Chapitre 4 : éléments pour une protection effective
•Liste des abréviations

Source: ICCROM Website


Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 45

The Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 45 (15 July 2009) has just been published on their website

Download the newsletter in English - Français - Español

Source: Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage website


ICOMOS ICLAFI E-Journal - First issue available!

Download the Journal / Téléchargez la revue / Descargue la revista

Presentation by the Editors:

We present the first issue of the ICLAFI E-journal. The ICLAFI ejournal is an initiative to further the scientific work of ICLAFI in legal and administrative aspects of heritage conservation.

Recognizing the increasing interest in understanding and protecting cultural heritage in the world today, it is the mission of the ICLAFI Electronic Journal to contribute to the development and diffusion of conservation science, especially on legal protective systems and World Heritage issues.

ICLAFI E-Journal will also be a forum for the diffusion of the wider expertise of ICOMOS and its national and international committees. The editorial committee will coordinate with ICOMOS committees.

The ICLAFI EJ will present research papers and shorter articles of interest to cultural heritage conservation and information on the projects and activities of ICOMOS and its national and international committees.

We hope the material published in the ejournal will expand the heritage world’s appreciation of the centrality of law in underpinning its work. The concern is sometimes expressed that the role of law is viewed too narrowly by heritage practitioners from other disciplines. The ejournal will actively solicit conceptual and theoretical material to expand these horizons. Similarly the ejournal will publish case studies of laws in action, and particularly of innovative strategies that lawyers and administrators round the world have used to achieve the goals of heritage conservation.

It is envisaged that the ejournal will have initially 2 issues a year, available on line through the ICLAFI section on the ICOMOS webpage.

We will be waiting for all the conservationist actors reactions, comments, suggestions and criticism. Please, do not hesitate to write us to ejournalcoordination@icomos-iclafi.org.

Alberto Martorell Carreño. ICOMOS Peru
Graeme Wiffen. Australia ICOMOS


INORA, the International Newsletter on Rock Art, n° 54, 2009

INORA, the International Newsletter on Rock Art, issue n° 54, 2009, has just been published.

Le n° 54, 2009, d'INORA, la Lettre Internationale d'Informations sur l'Art Rupestre, vient d'être publié.

To subscribe / pour s'abonner


UNESCO Library: UNESCO and the Millennium Development goals - A bibliography

The UNESCO Library provides reference and information services, including online searches, to the Organization as a whole, as well as to the general public with an interest in UNESCO's fields of competence.

This week, in the UNESCO Library website:

A bibliography on 'UNESCO and the Millennium Development goals'.

Source: UNESCO Library website


UNESCO Publication: Final report on damage assessment in Babylon

Final report on damage assessment in Babylon: International Coordination Committee for the Saveguarding of the Cultural Heritage of Iraq

Download the publication

Source: UNESCO

e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico - Numero 4 Junio 2009

El número 4, Junio de 2009, de 'e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico', acaba de ser publicado. Consulte el contenido de la revista en http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es

The number 4, June 2009, of 'e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico' has just been published. Download the issue in http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es


Forum " Preserving Asian Pacific Islander America: Mobilizing Our Communities"

Diverse populations have lastingly shaped America’s landscapes, culture, and communities. Buildings, streetscapes, and personal narratives associated with Asian Pacific Islander (API) heritage offer different lenses for contemplating uniquely American struggles and achievements. All too frequently, sites associated with America's API history go unrecognized and buildings, events, and landscapes that carry this legacy of cultural memories are threatened by demolition, abandonment, or lack of public understanding.

API communities have a crucial role to play in ensuring preservation and increasing awareness of the legacies of Asian and Pacific Island cultures in America.

A forum, Preserving Asian Pacific Islander America: Mobilizing Our Communities, will be held in San Francisco's historic Japantown June 24-26, 2010.

This constituency-building forum will convene a network of groups and individuals who are stewarding Asian Pacific Islander history and who:
• share an interest in broadening understanding of API cultural heritage in America;
• want to expand the discussion about who we are and the variety of API resources and API chapters in American history that we are struggling to preserve;
• want to share best practices, advice, and success stories to equip attendees with proven and innovative tools with which to pursue preservation efforts in their own communities;
• hope to engage new audiences and develop fresh approaches for preserving API heritage resources in these challenging times; and
• desire to put forward a pan-Asian preservation agenda and demonstrate an expanded meaning for "historic preservation" that will continue to ensure a place for diverse groups at preservation’s table.

Preserving Asian Pacific Islander America: Mobilizing Our Communities, will:
• demonstrate how preserving Asian Pacific Islander America can be synonymous with promoting community pride, cultural identity, and neighborhood vitality;
• create opportunities for stewards and advocates for Asian Pacific Islander heritage resources to forge consensus, share best practices, and increase capacity and outreach; and
• strengthen connections between the stewards of America’s Asian Pacific Islander heritage and the organized historic preservation movement.

Your input and ideas are important to us. Please help us understand whether the ideas we have identified reflect your concerns by taking a very brief survey.

Go to:

Please help us get the word out and gather input by letting others know of the forum and by forwarding this message.

Again, the dates for the forum will be June 24-26, 2010; most activities will take place on Friday, June 25.

The following groups are contributing to plans for the forum:

Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation
California Civil Liberties Public Education Program
California Japanese American Community Leadership Council
Chinese American Citizens Alliance
Chinese American Museum
Chinese Historical Society of America
El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument
Filipino American National Historical Society
Guam Preservation Trust
Japanese American National Museum
Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California
Japantown Task Force
Little Manila Foundation
Little Tokyo Service Center
National Japanese American Historical Society
National Park Service, Western Region
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Preserving California's Japantowns

Melita Juresa-McDonald | Program Assistant, Western Office | National Trust for Historic Preservation |
Email: melita_juresa-mcdonald@nthp.org | www.PreservationNation.org

Urban History News - July 2009

The Urban History News (UHN), July 2009, published by the Centre for Urban History of the University of Leicester, is available on the website.

Read the News

Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester


IUCN publication: World Heritage in Danger

IUCN new publication available online:

World Heritage in Danger: A compendium of key decisions on the conservation of natural World Heritage properties via the List of World Heritage in Danger. April 2009. By Tim Badman, Bastian Bomhard, Annelie Fincke et al. Gland: IUCN, 2009. 42 p. (IUCN World Heritage Studies; 7)

Authors: Tim Badman, Bastian Bomhard, Annelie Fincke, Josephine Langley, Pedro Rosabal and David Sheppard

Download the publication


New ICCROM publications available

Two new publications have just been published by ICCROM:

- Conserving Textiles: studies in honour of Ágnes Timár-Balázsy
[See table of contents]

This compilation of articles honours Ágnes Timár-Balázsy, a renowned teacher of chemistry and the scientific background of textile conservation. The volume was originally published in Hungarian by Pulszky Hungarian Museums Association (HMA) in 2004

- Cultural Heritage and the Law: protecting immovable heritage in English-speaking countries of sub-Saharan Africa
[See table of contents]

This book presents the legal frameworks for immovable cultural heritage protection in English-speaking sub-Saharan Africa. It documents and analyzes the existing frameworks, addressing the history, development and contexts in which they were established and used.

Source: ICCROM


Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Patrimoine Bâti: Nouvelles publications

Nouvelles publications de la Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Patrimoine Bâti:

- Procès verbaux de la Table Ronde: Conserver les lieux historiques: l'approche canadienne de 1950 à 2000 / Proceedings of the Round Table: Conserving historic places: Canadian approaches from 1950-2000. Edited by Christina Cameron and Christina Boucher [Télécharger / Download]

- L'étude des valeurs patrimoniales du campus principal de l'Université de Montréal. Mai 2008. Par Christina Cameron, Claudine Déom et Nicole Valois. [Télécharger / Download]

Source: Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Patrimoine Bâti



Questionnaire about the search for and dissemination of scientific literature in the field of cultural heritage conservation

Towards the implementation of an open access archive in ICOMOS, the Documentation Centre is currently carrying out a survey on the research needs and the dissemination of scientific literature in the field of conservation of cultural heritage (historic monuments and sites).

We would be very grateful if you could collaborate with us by completing the questionnaire (see below). It will take only three minutes of your time and it will help us in identifying the needs and obstacles in the search for scientific information and the publication and dissemination of your work.
Your responses will remain confidential and all information will remain anonymous.
The Documentation Centre will soon publish the results of this survey on the website. Additionally please feel free to circulate the questionnaire among your colleagues.

We would greatly appreciate if you could please send the completed form to documentation@icomos.org before the 3rd of July 2009
Download the form English - Français - Español

Dans le cadre du projet de mise en place d’une archive ouverte à l’ICOMOS, le Centre de Documentation mène actuellement une enquête sur les besoins en matière de recherche et de diffusion des publications scientifiques dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine culturel (monuments et sites historiques).

Nous vous serions très reconnaissants de collaborer à ce projet en remplissant le questionnaire ci-dessous. Cela ne vous prendra que trois minutes et nous permettra d’identifier aussi bien les besoins et les obstacles dans la recherche de l’information scientifique que ceux liés à la publication et diffusion de vos travaux.
Vos réponses demeureront confidentielles et le traitement de l’information sera anonyme.
Le Centre de Documentation publiera prochainement les résultats de cette enquête sur le site web. N’hésitez pas à diffuser ce questionnaire parmi vos collègues.

Veuillez envoyer le formulaire rempli à l’adresse documentation@icomos.org avant le 3 juillet 2009.

Téléchargez le questionnnaire: English - Français - Español

En el marco del proyecto de creación de un archivo abierto en ICOMOS, el Centro de Documentación está realizando actualmente un estudio sobre las necesidades en investigación y difusión de la literatura científicas en el campo de la conservación del patrimonio cultural (monumentos y sitios históricos).

Le agradeceríamos si pudiera colaborar con nosotros rellenando el siguiente cuestionario. Solo le tomará tres minutos, y nos ayudará a identificar las necesidades y las dificultades que encuentran en la búsqueda de información científica y en la publicación y difusión de sus investigaciones.
Sus respuestas serán confidenciales y el tratamiento de la información será anónimo.
El Centro de Documentación publicará próximamente los resultados de esta investigación en el sitio web. No duden en distribuir el cuestionario entre sus colegas.

Por favor, envie el cuestionario completado a documentation@icomos.org antes del 3 de julio de 2009

Descarga el cuestionario: English - Français - Español



Urban History News - June 2009

The monthly newsletter of the Centre for Urban History (CUH) of the University of Leicester, is available on the website.

Read the UHN June 2009 issue

Source: Centre for Urban History: School of Historical Studies (Univ. of Leicester)


Online publication on sustainable tourism development

Online publication by UNESCO Office in Venice:
Sustainable Tourism Development in UNESCO. Designated Sites in South-Eastern Europe.

Tourism is in comparison with other industries dependent on national, regional and local resources (e.g. destinations, attractions, etc.) of a country. It is an industry which is bound to territory. Other industries generally depend on natural resources and/or services. Furthermore tourism depends on traditions, culture, etc. These features are incorporated
into tourism businesses becoming part of the tourism industry. This in turn creates a cross-sectoral, dynamic
approach to tourism with a corresponding management

Download the publication

Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 43

The Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage has just published the issue n° 43 of the Newsletter (3 of June 2009).

View the current issue

Source: Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage


Revista PATRIMONIO n° 37 (abril - junio 2009) disponible

la Fundacion del Patrimonio Historico de Castilla y Leon acaba de publicar el n° 37 de la Revista PATRIMONIO (abril - junio 2009)

Se encuentra disponible para descargar en el sitio web de la Fundacion

Source: Fundacion del Patrimonio Historico de Castilla y Leon


Getty Conservation Institute Bulletin - June 2009

The Getty Conservation Institute
The GCI Bulletin, June 2009, is now available on the website

Read the bulletin

Source: The Getty Conservation Institute

IFLA Newsletter n° 82; IFLA News Brief, n° 19 and Special Issue - May 2009 (landscapes)

New IFLA publications:

IFLA Newsletter n° 82, May 2009, available

Two issues of IFLA News Brief, n° 19 and World Landscape Architecture Month celebrated, has just been published.

Download issue 19 and the World Landscape Architecture Month Celebrated issue

Source: International Federation of Landscapes Architecture


Patrimoine sans Frontières - Lettre d'Infomation Printemps 2009

Patrimoine sans Frontières

La Lettre d'Information du Patrimoine sans Frontières, n° 19, printemps 2009, vient d'être publiée dans le site web de l'association.

Consulter la Lettre d'Information

Source: Patrimoine Sans Frontières


Europa Nostra Scientific Bulletin n° 62 available

Europa Nostra Scientific Bulletin n° 62: "The Bastioned Fortresses in the Age of Vauban"

Europa Nostra’s Scientific Council has published its latest Scientific Bulletin entitled “The Bastioned Fortresses in the Age of Vauban”. The Scientific Bulletin is a compilation of papers submitted and presented at the 43 rd meeting of the Scientific Council which took place in and around Belgrade and Petrovaradin in Serbia , from 14-20 September 2007.

Source: Europa Nostra

E_Conservation Magazine - N° 9, April 2009

E_Conservation Magazine, n° 9 April 2009

The 9th issue of the e_Conservation Magazine is available on line

Source: E_conservation magazine


The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter - Conservation, Vol. 24, 1

Conservation: The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter, Volume 24, n° 1, 2009

This issue has just been published and it is available on the GCI website.

Table of Contents

A Note from the Director
Timothy P. Whalen

Conservation Education at the GCI: Past, Present, and Future

Out in the Field: A Discussion about Education and GCI Field Projects

Advancing Photograph Conservation: A New Initiative in Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe

Sustaining Conservation Education in Southeast Asia

Cracked, Warped, and Cradled! Training in the Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

Out of the Box and Thinking: The GCI Conservation Guest Scholar Program

GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications

Source: The Getty Conservation Institute


Le Courrier de l'UNESCO, n° 4, 2009

Le Courrier de l'UNESCO, n° 4, 2009

La protection de l’environnement, le respect de la biodiversité, la défense des droits de l’homme offrent de nouvelles dimensions à l’éducation. Depuis le lancement, en 2005, de la Décennie des Nations Unies pour l’éducation en vue du développement durable, cette dernière se traduit dans la réalité par une myriade d’initiatives dont le présent dossier du Courrier de l’UNESCO se fait l’écho.

Lire ce numéro


Bulletin du RCIP - CHIN Newsletter (May 2009)

Le Bulletin RCIP (Réseau Canadien d'Information sur le Patrimoine) vient de publier sur leur site web le Bulletin du mois de mai 2009.

Ce mois-ci, vous trouverez:
- Le dévoilement de nos sites pour la Journée internationale des musées
- Le site du RCIP : Nouvelles, programmes d’investissement et plus encore
- Le Carrefour du savoir devient le site Échange professionnel
- museevirtuel.ca : Votre espace musée
- Mise à jour de vos profils en ligne
- Le Labo du MVC : Un tout nouvel espace de création expérimentale
- Expositions inaugurées récemment

This month, you will find the following subjects:
- New Sites Unveiled for International Museum Day
- The CHIN Website: News, Investment Programs and Much More
- Knowledge Exchange Site Becomes Professional Exchange
- virtualmuseum.ca: Your Museum Space
- Online Profile Update
- The VMC Lab: An All-New Space for Experimental Creations
- Recently-Launched Exhibits

Lire le bulletin / Read the newsletter

Source: RCIP / CHIN

IFLA News Brief, n° 18 - 2009 (landscapes)

The IFLA News Brief n° 18 (April 2009) has just been published on the IFLA website

Download the document

Source: International Federation of Landscapes Architects (IFLA)


ICOMOS Norway publication: World heritage and human rights: conflicts or cooperation?

World heritage and human rights: conflicts or cooperation?

ICOMOS Norway publishes the abstracts of the Seminar on the UNESCO 1972 World Heritage Convention, held in Oslo, February 6th 2008, the Central Government Complex.

The Seminar was organised by ICOMOS Norway in cooperation with the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.