Online documents, publications, journals, newsletters... on cultural heritage
Réseau Art Nouveau Network - newsletter 21 (September 2011)
E-conservation magazine n°21, September 2011
On continual learning
By Rui Bordalo
Restoration, Reality, and Life Behind the ‘Velvet Rope’
By Daniel Cull
Business Management Education in the Conservation Community
By Sarah Lowengard
New Approaches on Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration
Review by Penelope Banou
Review by Annette Paetz gen. Schieck and Sylvia Mitschke
Outdoor Wall Paintings, Material and Techniques
Review by Mirjam Jullien and Johanna Nessow
Preservation of Archaeological Remains in Situ (PARIS 4)
Review by Mike Corfield and Jim William
University Training of Restoration within the European Educational Context
Review by Luboš Machacko
Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Dyes Employed in the Manufacture of Chinese Garment Pieces by C-DAD and LC-DAD-QTOF
By Estrella Sanz Rodríguez, Angela Arteaga Rodríguez, María Antonia García and Rodríguez Carmen Cámara
An Innovative Stretcher for Canvas Paintings
By Osama M. El-Feky
By Hesham Abbas Kmally
Sustainability in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage through Education Training in Wood Conservation and Restoration in Malta
By Ninette Sammut
GCI Publications
By David Myers, Stacie Nicole Smith, and May Shaer |
Terra 2008: The 10th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural Heritage
Edited by Leslie Rainer, Angelyn Bass Rivera, and David Gandreau
Now available as a free PDF, this volume's sixty-four papers address such themes as earthenarchitecture in Mali, the conservation of living sites, local knowledge systems and intangible aspects, seismic and other natural forces, the conservation and management of archaeological sites, research advances, and training.
Access the free PDF online
Euromed heritage - The virtual Library of the Mediterranean is a reality
US-ICOMOS 15th Annual International Scientific Symposium
US/ICOMOS seeks proposals for presentations at the 2012 Symposium, which will be organized as three sessions around these themes:
1. Authenticity and Identity in the 21st century — revisiting the 1996 "Declaration of San Antonio" (see What are common themes and variations throughout the Americas?
Authenticity continues to be a key topic in preservation in the years since the first Symposium. It resonates differently in different places and to different groups. It carries different meanings in the treatment of built fabric, in the social and cultural dimensions of places, in the uses of heritage for economic development.
2. Cultural Sustainability — designing a future that includes the heritage of humanity, maintaining both the natural and cultural systems that support our existence, considering people and their relationship to places in truly sustainable design.
Sustainability is framed as including environment, economics, and social equity. A lively conversation has asked whether culture ought to be considered a fourth node added to this triad, or whether it is a dimension that encompasses all the others. Either way, culture is essential. How do we sustain cultures of place while allowing – assisting – their necessary adaptation?
3. Continuity and Urban Growth in Cultural Heritage Contexts — managing change within living cities and places with strong cultural heritage, to include cultural landscape and cultural geography issues.
The 21st century is the world’s first urban century: more than half of all people now live in metropolitan regions, and increasingly in urban megaregions. The heritage of smaller places and previously rural landscapes is subject to pressures at unprecedented scales, but also to significance and opportunities at new scales. For the past year ICOMOS has been reviewing a draft Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (see, which will be a particular focus of this session.
Note: In all three sessions the conference committee will favor papers that address the Metrics of cultural heritage assets. How do we measure and map the values of places with local or ethnic relevance? How do we identify the assets that give identity to places? How can value-led planning be made systematic for heritage conservation? How can we measure the efficacy of implementation methods?
Each session will be organized as a panel discussion. Participants will each make a short presentation (10 minutes) introducing their subject. Most of each session will be given to discussion among the panelists and with the audience. The conference committee will seek diverse voices and perspectives in each session.
A separate poster session will accommodate additional research and explorations.
The United States National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS) is composed of individual and institutional members representing federal, state and local government agencies, non-profit organization, education institutions, and private firms dedicated to the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage. US/ICOMOS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental organization. ICOMOS is an international advisory body of 9,000+ professionals from 120 national committees that evaluates cultural sites nominated for the World Heritage List, monitors the state of conservation of those sites, supports capacity building worldwide, and reviews requests for international assistance.
Instructions for Submitting an Abstract (please read carefully)
• Abstracts must be received by US/ICOMOS by Monday, December 12, 2011. Please indicate whether the submission is for a paper or a poster.
• Maximum text of 250 words, in English or Spanish.
• US/ICOMOS will accept electronic (Microsoft Word or Adobe pdf files only) abstracts sent by email to
• The page with the abstracts must contain AT THE TOP the title of the proposed paper, the name of the author(s), and contact information (institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone number and email address). Please include a brief biographical statement (maximum 200 words).
• Up to two images may be included with each abstract, as .jpg or .tif files. They should be included as attachments to the same e-mail as the abstract, with a filename in the form of
External reviewers will evaluate all abstracts, with final selection by the conference committee. Authors selected for paper presentations will be notified by mid-
US/ICOMOS hopes to be able to offer simultaneous translation for plenary addresses and the three sessions, so that the languages of the conference can be both English and Spanish.
In previous years, US/ICOMOS was able to secure grants and monetary contributions to help defray travel, lodging, and registration costs for international speakers selected to present papers, and for qualified students to attend the Symposium. We are making every effort, despite today’s changed financial environment, to raise funds to continue this assistance. For updated information on scholarships please check the US/ICOMOS website:
Donald G Jones, PhD, Director
401 F Street, NW, Suite 331
Washington, DC 20001
Ph 202-842-1866
Fax 202-842-1861
New references in the Documentation centre catalogue since September 2010
.. 53Archaeology, Iron Architecture, Earth Architecture, Funerary Architecture, Industrial Architecture, Religious Architecture, Roman Architecture, Vernacular Architecture, Rock Art, Authenticity, Movable Cultural Properties, Wood, Ceramics, Climate Change, Charters and Conventions, Conservation, World Heritage Convention, Cultural diversity, Sustainable Development, Economics of Conservation, Facades, Training, Fortifications, Management, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), New Technologies, Interpretation, Inventories, Cultural Routes, Historic Gardens, Legislations – Legal Protection, Mosaics, Museums, Partnerships - International Cooperation, XXe siecle / XXth Century Heritage, Heritage at Risk – Risk Preparedness, Intangible Heritage, Natural heritage, Underwater Heritage, Cultural Landscapes, Wall Paintings, Photogrammetry, Stone and other Building Materials, Management Plans, Bridges, Restoration, Earthquakes, Public Awareness, Aboriginal Sites, World Heritage Sites, Prehistoric Sites, Building Structures, Monitoring, Conservation-Restoration Theory, Cultural Tourism, Urbanism, Hitoric Towns and Villages.. 179
download (pdf, 1147 kb)-
World Heritage Sites 2011: ICOMOS bibliographies

- World Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean
- World Heritage in Africa
- World Herigage in the Arab States
- Industrial and Technical Heritage in the World Heritage List
- World Heritage Urban Sites - in two volumes
- Modern Heritage Properties (19th and 20th Centuries) on the World Heritage List
- World Heritage Cultural Landscapes
- Rock art sites
- World Heritage Hominid Sites

Each bibliography contains the description of the site by the World Heritage Centre, but also relevant references of documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre.
Download bibliographies
E_Conservation Magazine - No. 20, July 2011, is online
To read the complete magazine please Download Issue 20

The Worthiness of Association
By Rui Bordalo
Telling Stories
By Daniel Cull
Cleaning the Dirt off Money in Conservation: Ethics and Economics
By Christabel Blackman
Preserving our Urban Heritage: The Heritage Conversion Model
By Barry Mayhew
The Science and Art of Color International Edelstein Color Symposium
Review by Mary Virginia Orna
Increasing Europe’s Competitiveness Through Cultural Heritage Research
Review by Jaap van der Burg
Non-destructive and Microanalytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage
Review by Ana Bidarra and Ana Guilherme
Upcoming Events: July - September 2011
Reversibility and Minimal Intervention in the Gap-filling Process of Archaeological Glass
By Betlem Martínez, Trinidad Pasíes and Maria Amparo Peiró
The Methods of Analysis used in Ceramics as an Effective Procedure in the Conservation of Terracotta Sculptures
By Carmen Bermúdez Sánchez, Giuseppe Cultrone, and Lucía Rueda Quero
Destruction: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on Architecture.
Safeguarding the Memory of Ruins by Photography
By Maria Bostenaru
Documentation of Contemporary Art: A Case Study of a Private Collection
By Sofia Gomes
Heritage at risk: updated bibliography
Browse the references extracted from our collections and organized thematically.

Any document can be consulted in our reading room or copied/scanned for the readers abroad. See our services webpage.
Download bibliography (PDF, 2.7 MB)
GCI Publications Available in PDF: Recently Added

Assessment Report on Shuxiang Temple, Chengde
This bilingual report in English and Chinese is the result of an assessment of Shuxiang Temple that was undertaken by the Chengde Cultural Heritage Bureau, the Hebei Cultural Heritage Bureau, the Hebei Cultural Heritage Bureau, and the Getty Conservation Institute in 2003-04.
Conservación de vidrieras históricas
Actas de la reunión. Seminario organizado por the Getty Conservation Institute y la Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo, en conjunto con el Instituto de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales Santander, Espana 4-8 de julio de 1994. This volume of proceedings of a meeting on the conservation of stained glass, held in 1994, is only available in Spanish.
Archaeometry of Pre-Columbian Sites and Artifacts
Proceedings of a symposium organized by the UCLA Institute of Archaeology and the Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California, March 23-27, 1992.
Art Nouveau publications
- Art Nouveau in Europe today – A general appraisal
This work, illustrated with previously unseen photographs, presents a critical analysis of the situation regarding the art Nouveau heritage in the partner cities within the Network, together with a series of recommendations aimed at improving the policies designed to protect and promote this heritage throughout Europe.
Published in English and French.
- Art Nouveau in Progress, exhibition’s catalogue

This publication accompanies the travelling exhibition "Art Nouveau in Progress". It presents case studies from different cities within the Network, covering three chosen themes of "Visions", "Disappearance" and "Regeneration".
Published in two bilingual editions: English - French, French - Dutch.
Available at:
Exhibitions International, Kol. Begaultlaan 17, 3012 Leuven, T: 016.296900, F: 016.296129,
Updated bibliography on Historic Gardens

Download (PDF, 2 MB)
New Spanish electronic journal on industrial heritage
HESTIAL aims at promoting the Spanish mining heritage, its places and characters of significance, but also at perpetuating its memory.
Browse and print the journal

"Hoy dedicamos el post a una revista que, obviamente, es electrónica y busca hacerse un hueco dando espacio a todos aquellos artículos y trabajos referentes a la minería española, contemplada desde las más diversas ópticas y enfoques.
Se llama HASTIAL y pretende recoger en sus páginas una pequeña parte, pero no por ello menos importante, de cuanto ha supuesto la minería para nuestro país, que pueda servir de referente y, sobre todo, de memoria. Porque hoy, más que nunca, es necesario el conocimiento y el recuerdo de una actividad que parece estar condenada al ostracismo, cuando no al olvido.
“Queremos, por tanto, ser memoria viva y palpitante de nuestro glorioso pasado minero, con el pleno convencimiento de que mientras alguien nos lo recuerde, la minería no morirá jamás”.
El primer número de HASTIAL, que tiene una periodicidad anual, ya puede consultarse en internet y seguirá completándose con más artículos y notas hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2011, cuando se cerrará el número."
Prepare April 18th, 2011: the Cultural Heritage of Water
18 April is only in four weeks...

In response to a proposal by ICOMOS, 18 April was designated as The International Day for Monuments and Sites by UNESCO in 1982. Each year a theme is selected to help focus the celebration and promotion of cultural heritage across the world. The aim is to explore cultural heritage beyond the select group of sites on the World Heritage List and to encourage local communities and individuals to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives, identities and communities. The theme agreed for 2011 is the ‘Cultural Heritage of Water’.
Find out more about 18 April 2011 by clicking here
New tool: "Preparing World Heritage Nominations (First Edition, 2010)"

- English version: Preparing World Heritage Nominations (First Edition, 2010)
- Version française : Établir une proposition d'inscription au patrimoine mondial (Première édition, 2010)
The World Heritage Resource Manual Series
Since the World Heritage Convention was adopted in 1972, the World Heritage List has continually evolved and is growing steadily. With this growth, a critical need has emerged for guidance for States Parties on the implementation of the Convention. Various expert meetings and results of the periodic reporting process have identified the need for more focused training and capacity development in specific areas where States Parties and World Heritage site managers require greater support. The development of this series of World Heritage Resource Manuals is a response to this need.
The publication of the series is a joint undertaking by the three Advisory Bodies of the World Heritage Convention (ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN ) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre as the Secretariat of the Convention.
The aim of this Resource Manual is to help States Parties to achieve good quality World Heritage nominations.
The Advisory Bodies consider that there are a few underlying basic principles which should underpin all good nominations to ensure that the most appropriate properties are nominated, properties are represented as effectively as possible within nominations, and the nomination process itself contributes to protection, conservation and effective management of natural and cultural heritage.
Text source: World Heritage Centre
New ICOMOS Bibliography: Vernacular architecture
You can download it from this page.
If any reference is of interest to you, don't hesitate to contact us at documentation[at]
Cultural Heritage of water - An interesting series
This collection is of particular interest in view of the World Heritage Day in 2011 (18 April), whose theme "The cultural heritage of water".
Volumes available:
* SEGRETI DELLE ACQUE: Studi e immagini sui bagni seco li XIV-XIX
These essays on literature related to balneology vary in themes and environmental settings, cultural moments and experiences: Ugolino Caccini and Francesco Casini, two medieval doctors; a letter Poggio Bracciolini wrote from Baden in 1416; the 16th-century collection «De balneis»; balneology in Europe and the figurative arts; Montaigne’s travels; the life of Girolamo Vasari, a government official from Florence; the thermal baths of Contursi, near Salerno, and other thermal sites in the early 19th century.
Aquae. Studi e testi sulle terme, vol. 1
2007, cm 17 ¥ 24, x-174 pp. con 5 figg. n.t. € 23,00
[isbn 978 88 222 5698 0]
* «L’acqua non è mai la stessa»: Le acque nella tradizione culturale dell’Asia
The volume offers a series of images and reflections on the relationship between water and cultural tradition in China, India and Japan, as well as considerations on a rich literary and artistic production spanning centuries. The use of water corresponds to spiritual and material needs, symbolising purity and harmony: therefore ritual immersions often take place in suggestive environments that have a strong impact on the spirit.
Aquae, vol. 2
2009, cm 17 ¥ 24, xiv-228 pp. € 24,00
[isbn 978 88 222 5815 1]
The ten contributions gather interdisciplinary analyses on the how’s and why’s of Montaigne’s interest in thermal practices. In their consideration, they associate history of literature and history of medicine, with particular attention to documents of the era, to evidence of readings and readers, to uses and customs; and also to six and seventeenth-century studies on thermal baths, to the practice of ‘travel’ for curative purposes, to habits, hopes and disenchanted looks of travellers and of the travelling Montaigne.
Aquae. Studi e testi sulle terme, vol. 3
2010, m 17 ¥ 24, x-190 pp. con 6 figg. n.t. € 20,00
[isbn 978 88 222 5965 3]
* Territori delle acque. Esperienze e teorie in Italia e in Inghilterra nell'Ottocento.
The volume presents a number of significant approaches to the issue of water in Italy and England during the 19th century. The use of Lombard water for agriculture and transport celebrated by Cantù and Cattaneo as well as Tommasi-Crudeli’s wish for an efficient monitoring of urban drainage, find correspondence in Marshall’s proposal for a water inventory as part of national wealth and in Howard’s ample use of recreational waters for his garden city. The texts by Marshall and Howard are translated to Italian for the first time.
Aquae. Studi e testi sulle terme, vol. 4
2010, cm. 17 × 24, vi-164 pp. con 7 figg. n.t. e 3 tavv. f.t. a colori. € 20,00
[isbn 978 88 222 5988 2]
* Hammam: Le terme nell’Islam
Hammams and the hammam culture initially spread in Mediterranean and European regions
under the influence of Islam, replacing Roman baths. The essays included in this original and innovative volume clarify that, from the beginning, the hammam ritual has meant purification of body and mind, has influenced human existence in various ways, and for centuries has appealed to the collective imagination of those, including Westerners, who came into contact with a refined and fascinating civilization.
Aqvae, vol. 5
2011, cm 17 ¥ 24, xvi-290 pp. con 36 figg. e 6 tabelle n.t.,
e 20 tavv. f.t. di cui 10 a colori. € 28,00 [isbn 978 88 222 5996 7]
Contacts and info: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki