(6-8 June 2010, Damascus, Syria)

Fourth seminar organised by RMSU for the strengthening of Mediterranean cultural heritage institutional and legislative frameworks.
A specialised workshop was organised in Damascus in connection with the activities of the Euromed Heritage 4 programme in order to meet the wishes of the partner countries for strengthening the institutional and legislative framework of their heritage policies.
Given the important role that heritage can fill as an economic and social resource, this workshop was about defining, in consultation with all parties concerned, the modalities for a development of the heritage in a modern policy of sustainable human development. And more precisely: a valuation that is consistent with its proper preservation and the safeguarding of its values.
On the one hand, the workshop examined various business models and formulated proposals for the regulatory framework on the process of decision making and the accompanying managerial imperatives.
On the other hand, very specifically, the workshop examined the range of financing techniques for the conservation and enhancement of heritage, with particular attention to forms of public-private partnership. An inventory of the different practices in European countries and in Mediterranean partner countries has served as the basis for the workshop.
In addition to a representative from each partner country, the workshop brought together experts from UNESCO, ICCROM, the Council of Europe, the European Investment Bank, the Aga Khan Trust and ICOMOS.
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