World Heritage: Where Are We? An Empirical Analysis. By Bruno S. Frey, Paolo Pamini. A working paper for the Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts (CREMA).
An empirical overview of the UNESCO World Heritage List according to various characteristics is presented. The officially stated intention of the World Heritage List is to protect global heritage. Our focus is on the imbalance of the existing List according to countries and continents. The existing distribution is compared to hypothetical distributions considered “balanced” from different points of view. It turns out that the World Heritage List is unbalanced with respect to a distribution of Sites according to population, area or per capita income. This paper wants to reveal facts about the existing distribution, and is designed to help a reasoned discussion to emerge.
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Online documents, publications, journals, newsletters... on cultural heritage
Docomomo E-Proceedings II - Mirror of Modernity. The Post-War Revolution in Urban Conservation - Available online
Docomomo E-Proceedings II - Mirror of Modernity. The Post-War Revolution in Urban Conservation. Dec 09.

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Download the proceedings
Libellés :
modern architecture,
Conservation-restauration des peintures murales: de l'antiquité à nos jours.
Conservation-restauration des peintures murales: de l'antiquité à nos jours. Par Geneviève Reille-Taillefert. Publié par Les Editions Eyrolles.

Après vingt-cinq années d’investigations et de recherches sur les différents supports et les techniques de peintures murales, Geneviève Reille-Taillefert partage dans cet ouvrage son expérience et l’état d’esprit dans lequel se trouve le restaurateur face aux problèmes de conservation des peintures murales. De la déontologie aux méthodes opératoires, la première partie de ce livre offre une vue générale de la restauration et de ses techniques. De la fresque romaine aux peintures murales du XXe siècle, la seconde partie décrit les techniques picturales de chaque époque nécessitant des solutions de restauration spécifiques. Les nombreux cas d’école mettent à chaque fois en avant une technique de restauration particulière et sont constitués de chantiers de restauration menés par l’auteur.
Cet ouvrage de référence s’adresse aux étudiants des écoles de restauration, aux restaurateurs, aux élus locaux, aux conservateurs des Monuments historiques et aux amateurs du patrimoine en général.
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Après vingt-cinq années d’investigations et de recherches sur les différents supports et les techniques de peintures murales, Geneviève Reille-Taillefert partage dans cet ouvrage son expérience et l’état d’esprit dans lequel se trouve le restaurateur face aux problèmes de conservation des peintures murales. De la déontologie aux méthodes opératoires, la première partie de ce livre offre une vue générale de la restauration et de ses techniques. De la fresque romaine aux peintures murales du XXe siècle, la seconde partie décrit les techniques picturales de chaque époque nécessitant des solutions de restauration spécifiques. Les nombreux cas d’école mettent à chaque fois en avant une technique de restauration particulière et sont constitués de chantiers de restauration menés par l’auteur.
Cet ouvrage de référence s’adresse aux étudiants des écoles de restauration, aux restaurateurs, aux élus locaux, aux conservateurs des Monuments historiques et aux amateurs du patrimoine en général.
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Libellés :
Geneviève Reille-Taillefert,
wall paintings
DAC-UP: Digital Architecture Collection - University of Pretoria
DAC•UP, the Digital Architecture Collection the Department of Architecture (University of Pretoria) is a multi-faceted project that aims to record, digitise, archive and document material, landscapes, structures, spaces and objects of architecturally historical research value in order to disseminate information and promote research in the field.
Our collection is constantly evolving, providing new material to the researcher. As a team dedicated to open-source data we provide this material to all with the request that the source always be acknowledged in any output that utilises our resources.
Our collection is constantly evolving, providing new material to the researcher. As a team dedicated to open-source data we provide this material to all with the request that the source always be acknowledged in any output that utilises our resources.
Libellés :
Open Access,
University of Pretoria
ICOMOS France: New publication - Préservation du patrimoine et économies d'énergie
Nouvelle publication d'ICOMOS France:
Préservation du patrimoine et économies d'énergie. Actes du séminaire européen, Paris, 17 et 18 novembre 2008. Paris: ICOMOS France, 2009. 76 p. (Les Cahiers d'ICOMOS France n° 24). ISSN:0297-3189

Les actes du séminaire européen qui s'est tenu les 17 et 18 novembre 2008, aux Invalides regroupent les 19 interventions des intervenants du colloque, ainsi que les débats qui se sont tenus pendant les discussions.
Ils préfigurent le colloque européen de novembre 2010
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Préservation du patrimoine et économies d'énergie. Actes du séminaire européen, Paris, 17 et 18 novembre 2008. Paris: ICOMOS France, 2009. 76 p. (Les Cahiers d'ICOMOS France n° 24). ISSN:0297-3189

Les actes du séminaire européen qui s'est tenu les 17 et 18 novembre 2008, aux Invalides regroupent les 19 interventions des intervenants du colloque, ainsi que les débats qui se sont tenus pendant les discussions.
Ils préfigurent le colloque européen de novembre 2010
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Libellés :
ICOMOS France,
Expert Workshop on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture - Final report available
Expert Workshop on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture and its contribution to sustainable development in the Mediterranean Region: Final Report.
Edited by Maddalena Achenza, Claudia Cancino, Mariana Correia, Amila Ferron and Hubert Guillaud
The final report of the expert workshop held in Villanovaforru, Sardegna, Italy, 17-18 March 2009, on the study and conservation of earthen architecture, is available on the GCI website.
Download the report
Edited by Maddalena Achenza, Claudia Cancino, Mariana Correia, Amila Ferron and Hubert Guillaud
The final report of the expert workshop held in Villanovaforru, Sardegna, Italy, 17-18 March 2009, on the study and conservation of earthen architecture, is available on the GCI website.
Download the report
Libellés :
earthen architecture,
Mediterranean countries,
ICCROM Book sale
Huge savings on selected ICCROM titles are now available from our online bookstore. Follow the link below to the special offers page. The price of all books in the sale has been reduced by at least 50%.
ICCROM bookstore
Source: ICCROM website
ICCROM bookstore
Source: ICCROM website
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New GCI publications online
The following publications by the Getty Conservation Institute are available online:
- Proceedings of the Getty Seismic Adobe Project 2006 Colloquium
During this three-day colloquium, a group of professionals with expertise in earthen conservation, materials science, construction, building standards, and earthquake engineering gathered to discuss the current state of knowledge and the challenges of preserving our earthen cultural heritage in active seismic zones. This publication contains a selection of papers presented at the colloquium, as well as several later submissions by participants.
- Metallography and Microstructure of Ancient Historic Metals. By David A. Scott
This book provides an introduction to the structure and morphology of ancient and historic metallic materials. It deals extensively with many practical matters relating to the mounting, preparation, etching, polishing, and microscopy of metallic samples, and includes an account of the way in which phase diagrams can be used to assist structural interpretation.
- The Conservation of Artifacts Made from Plant Materials. By Mary-Lou E. Florian, Dale Paul Kronkright, and Ruth E. Norton
This teaching guide covers the identification, deterioration, and conservation of artifacts made from plant materials.
- Thin-Layer Chromatography for Binding Media Analysis. By Mary Striegel and Jo Hill.
This volume consists of a handbook and protocols. The handbook serves as a primer for the basic application of thin-layer chromatography to the analysis of coatings, binders, and adhesives found on cultural objects. The protocols provide step-by-step instructions for procedures involved in typical analyses
Source: GCI Bulletin - February 2010
- Proceedings of the Getty Seismic Adobe Project 2006 Colloquium
During this three-day colloquium, a group of professionals with expertise in earthen conservation, materials science, construction, building standards, and earthquake engineering gathered to discuss the current state of knowledge and the challenges of preserving our earthen cultural heritage in active seismic zones. This publication contains a selection of papers presented at the colloquium, as well as several later submissions by participants.
- Metallography and Microstructure of Ancient Historic Metals. By David A. Scott
This book provides an introduction to the structure and morphology of ancient and historic metallic materials. It deals extensively with many practical matters relating to the mounting, preparation, etching, polishing, and microscopy of metallic samples, and includes an account of the way in which phase diagrams can be used to assist structural interpretation.
- The Conservation of Artifacts Made from Plant Materials. By Mary-Lou E. Florian, Dale Paul Kronkright, and Ruth E. Norton
This teaching guide covers the identification, deterioration, and conservation of artifacts made from plant materials.
- Thin-Layer Chromatography for Binding Media Analysis. By Mary Striegel and Jo Hill.
This volume consists of a handbook and protocols. The handbook serves as a primer for the basic application of thin-layer chromatography to the analysis of coatings, binders, and adhesives found on cultural objects. The protocols provide step-by-step instructions for procedures involved in typical analyses
Source: GCI Bulletin - February 2010
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
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