
ICOMOS Open Archive: Top 10 downloads

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Argüello Garcia, Pedro María and Botiva Contreras, Alvaro (2003) El arte rupestre en Colombia. Significación, comunicación y patrimonio cultural. Revista La Tadeo (68). pp. 79-87. ISSN 0120-5250 [Article]1360
Bouchenaki, Mounir (2003) The interdependency of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. In: 14th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Place, memory, meaning: preserving intangible values in monuments and sites’, 27 – 31 oct 2003, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. [Conference or Workshop Item]1040
Labesse, Olivier (2006) Précis d'utilisation des chaux naturelles hydrauliques = Accurate of use of the natural hydraulic lime. Other thesis, building Limes Forum. [Thesis]594
(2010) Guidance on heritage impact assessments for Cultural World Heritage Properties. ICOMOS, Paris. [Other]559
Muñoz, Guillermo (2011) Historia de los hallazgos, historia de las interpretaciones - Symposium archeology and politics. In: U.I.S.P.P., XVI Congresso; Florianópolis-Santa Caterina 2011, UISPP International Archeology Congress, Florianopolis , Santacatarina. [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)512
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (2010) Hereditas. , 14. 80p . [Journal]430

Taylor, Ken
(2008) Landscape and Memory: cultural landscapes, intangible values and some thoughts on Asia. In: 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium: ‘Finding the spirit of place – between the tangible and the intangible’, 29 sept – 4 oct 2008, Quebec, Canada. [Conference or Workshop Item]
Vernacular architecture. Other. ICOMOS, München, 76p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), Vol. V. ISBN 3-87490-678-7. [Book]348
Martinez Celis, Diego and Botiva Contreras, Alvaro (2004) Manual de arte rupestre de Cundinamarca (Colombia). Manual. ICANH- Gobernacion de Cundinamarca, Bogota. D.C., 60p. ISBN 958-8181-07-0. [Book]267
(2004) International Charters for Conservation and Restoration = Chartes Internationales sur la Conservation et la Restauration = Cartas Internacionales sobre la Conservación y la Restauración. Documentation. ICOMOS, München, 179p. Monuments & Sites (2001-), Vol. I. ISBN 3-87490-676-0. [Book]238