Assessment Report on Shuxiang Temple, Chengde
This bilingual report in English and Chinese is the result of an assessment of Shuxiang Temple that was undertaken by the Chengde Cultural Heritage Bureau, the Hebei Cultural Heritage Bureau, the Hebei Cultural Heritage Bureau, and the Getty Conservation Institute in 2003-04.
Conservación de vidrieras históricas
Actas de la reunión. Seminario organizado por the Getty Conservation Institute y la Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo, en conjunto con el Instituto de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales Santander, Espana 4-8 de julio de 1994. This volume of proceedings of a meeting on the conservation of stained glass, held in 1994, is only available in Spanish.
Archaeometry of Pre-Columbian Sites and Artifacts
Proceedings of a symposium organized by the UCLA Institute of Archaeology and the Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California, March 23-27, 1992.