
Diccionario urbano, conceptual y transdisciplinar, por Jorge Benavides Solís

El uso de las palabras bien puede considerarse indicio de la dirección de los procesos culturales, sociales y económicos. En este diccionario, analizadas unidireccionalmente, no todas provienen directamente del urbanismo ni tienen que ver con la ciudad pero, inter-relacionándolas, es decir, poniéndolas bajo una lente holística de comprensión sistémica de la realidad, se encontrará que es así. Muchas tienen origen en la administración de empresas, en las técnicas del marketing y en la publicidad, sin embargo ya han sido incorporadas con naturalidad, acríticamente, al ámbito operativo de la Urbanística, de la Ordenación del Territorio y de la administración de la ciudad. Jorge Benavides Solís (Autor)

Kit of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

The kit on intangible cultural heritage is a basic reference and pedagogical instrument for promoting and ensuring an effective understanding of intangible cultural heritage and the 2003 Convention by governments, communities, experts, concerned UN agencies, NGOs and interested individuals. It has been published in September 2009 on the occasion of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage held from 28 September to 2 October 2009,

Conceived as a flexible tool, in which new brochures adapted to the local situation can be included, the kit should be continuously developed and translated into as many languages as possible.

The first version has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Government of Norway. It is composed of 7 brochures and fact sheets on 12 safeguarding projects, all downloadable.

Download the Kit - [English][Français]

Source: UNESCO Culture Sector - Intangible Cultural Heritage


UNESCO World Report: Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue

This World Report aims to become a reference tool for cultural diversity. Cultural diversity, which is too often reduced to the protection of heritage in danger, is also the development of intercultural skills, the search for an antidote to expressions of cultural isolationism, the road towards new forms of governance, the lever of the effective exercise of universally recognized human rights and a means to reduce imbalances in the world trade in creative products.

Media and cultural industries represent more than 7 % of global GDP and represent approximately US$1.3 trillion, i.e. approximately twice the level of receipts from international tourism, estimated at US$680 billion. Africa’s share in the global trade in creative products remains marginal – at less than 1 % of worldwide exports – despite its abundance of creative talent. In order to improve this situation, it is urgent to invest in cultural diversity and dialogue, the Report insists.

Culture was the great forgotten issue among the Millennium Development Goals’, deplored Koïchiro Matsuura, UNESCO’s Director-General, adding that ‘it has become urgent in our world, which is confronted to cultural changes of all sorts, to learn how to manage change and ensure that it does not becomes a source of greater vulnerability for those who are badly prepared to face it." This is clearly the meaning of the ten recommendations drawn by the Report about ways to invest in cultural diversity. The Report especially suggests creating a ‘World Observatory on Cultural Diversity, to monitor the impacts of globalization’, setting up a "national mechanism for monitoring public policies as they relate to cultural diversity," and implementing "national language policies with a view to both safeguarding linguistic diversity and promoting multilingual competencies."

The Report also puts forward new strategies to facilitate intercultural dialogue, improve the relevance of educational contents, overcome stereotypes in the media and facilitate the exchange of artistic productions and the circulation of artists. Aimed at the academic world as well as the general public, this Report develops a new vision of cultural diversity, which stresses its dynamic nature and the need to combat the development of cultural illiteracy, which is promoted by the acceleration of social transformations.

Full report [English]

La Rivista Siti, Trimestrale di attualità e politica culturale: Anno 5, n° 4, 2009

La Rivista Siti, Trimestrale di attualità e politica culturale, the fourth issue of 2009, (Ottobre/Dicembre, Anno 5, n° 4, 2009) is available to download in the website.

Download the issue


Boletin de interpretación, n° 21, Septiembre 2009

La Asociacion para la Interpretacion del Patrimonio (AIP) acaba de publicar en su pagina web el numero 21 (septiembre de 2009) del 'Boletin de Interpretacion'.

Descargue el boletin / Download the bulletin

Source: Asociacion para la Interpretación del Patrimonio (AIP)

IFLA Newsletter n° 84 - In search of sustainability - IFLA News Brief n° 24

IFLA Newsletter n° 84 - In search of sustainability (4th of October 2009)- Available online!

Whatever the approach in our articles and in the wealth of perspectives in presentations to be shown in Rio de Janeiro, we landscape architects have a duty to our clients, to the people who are affected by our designs and to biodiversity itself, to act as stewards of landscapes. Our duty is to conserve and enhance landscapes so that they function and endure. Certainly, we design for beauty, but that is not the end of it. We also design for sustenance, health, diversity and connectivity, and so that community rights in our landscapes are maintained.

Download the IFLA Newsletter 84

Download the IFLA News Brief n° 24

Source: International Federation of Landscape Architects


Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 48

The Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 48 (19th of October 2009) has just been published on their website

Download the newsletter in English - Français - Español

Source: Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage website


E_Conservation Magazine - N° 11, October 2009


Issue No. 11 of e_conservation magazine
is now online and available for free download!



ICOMOS Scientific Symposium: Changing World, Changing Views of Heritage: The impact of global change on cultural heritage – Technological Change

ICOMOS Scientific Symposium:
Changing World, Changing Views of Heritage: The impact of global change on cultural heritage – Technological Change
Malta, 7th of October 2009)

The papers of this symposium are available on the ICOMOS website


Workshop on inventories/Atelier sur les inventaires: proceedings

Strengthening institutional and legal frameworks: workshop on inventories (10-12 December 2008, Paris)
First legal workshop on cultural heritage inventories in Mediterranean Partner countries organised by the RMSU in collaboration with the France-UNESCO Cooperation Agreement

These Proceedings present the documents related to the workshop on INVENTORIES that took place in Paris, at UNESCO Headquarters. It is the result of a fruitful co-operation between the Euromed Heritage programme of the European Union and the Agreement France-UNESCO.

Download the proceedings and the recommendations


ICOMOS France: New publication - Structures en bois dans le patrimoine bâti

Structures en bois dans le patrimoine bâti

La présente publication constitue les actes du colloque "Conservation-restauration des structures bois, application au patrimoine bâti", qui s'est tenu à Metz du 29 au 31 mai 2008, dans le cadre des journées techniques internationales de l'ICOMOS.
Ce colloque avait été organisé par ICOMOS France, en partenariat avac le Laboratoire de Recherche des Monuments Historiques, la Compagnie des architectes en chef des Monuments Historiques et la Confédération de l'artisanat et des petites entreprises du bâtiment.

Il a également bénéficié du soutien de la délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France, the European cooperation in the field of scientific and Technical research, la région Lorraine, le département de Moselle, le ville de Metz et la communauté de l'agglomération Metz métropole.

Il regroupe 34 articles issu des interventions du colloque.

Pour commander / To order: icomos.france@wanadoo.fr

Source: ICOMOS France


Getty Research Library: New titles in the conservation collection (August 2009)

The list of the recently acquired titles in the Conservation Collection in the Research Library at the Getty Research Institute is available online

Download the list

Source: GCI Center

Proceedings online: IX World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities

Historic cities are often perceived as a major asset for economic development. The IX World Congress of the OWHC—held in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation, in June 2007— focused on the challenges and opportunities presented by historic cities. The proceedings are availalble in English, Spanish and French.

Download the proceedings: [English][Français][Español]

Source: Getty Conservation Institute

Getty Conservation Institute Bulletin - October 2009

The GCI Bulletin, October 2009, is now available on the website

Read the bulletin

Source: The Getty Conservation Institute

RehabiMed Bulletin, n° 14

RehabiMed bulletin is a publication that serves as a means of communication for members of RehabiMed, with contents related to the rehabilitation of traditional architecture in the Mediterranean basin.

Download n° 14 - [English][Français][Español][Català]

Source: RehabiMed

Australia ICOMOS: (Un)Loved Modern Conference papers available online

Papers and presentation slides for most of the presentations at the recent (Un)Loved Modern Conference held in Sydney (7-10 July 2009) are now available online from the Australia ICOMOS conference website www.aicomos.com.

The papers are arranged according to the conference themes. Keynote presentations are also available.

Selected papers will also be published in forthcoming issues of Historic Environment, following an editorial and peer review process.

Download the papers


World Heritage Status: Is there an Opportunity for Economic Gain?

This report, "World Heritage Status: Is there an Opportunity for Economic Gain?: Research and analysis of the socio-economic impact potential of UNESCO World Heritage Site status", is a research and analysis of the socio-economic impact potential of WH status undertaken by Rebanks Consulting and Trends Business Research Ltd, on behalf on the Lake District World Heritage Project.

Download the report