Two new publications have just been published by ICCROM:
- Conserving Textiles: studies in honour of Ágnes Timár-Balázsy
[See table of contents]
This compilation of articles honours Ágnes Timár-Balázsy, a renowned teacher of chemistry and the scientific background of textile conservation. The volume was originally published in Hungarian by Pulszky Hungarian Museums Association (HMA) in 2004
- Cultural Heritage and the Law: protecting immovable heritage in English-speaking countries of sub-Saharan Africa
[See table of contents]
This book presents the legal frameworks for immovable cultural heritage protection in English-speaking sub-Saharan Africa. It documents and analyzes the existing frameworks, addressing the history, development and contexts in which they were established and used.
Source: ICCROM
Online documents, publications, journals, newsletters... on cultural heritage
New ICCROM publications available
Libellés :
Africa 2009,
World Heritage Review n° 53 - available
The 'World Heritage Review', n° 53: World Heritage in Spain has just been published.

See the table of contents
Source: UNESCO World Heritage Centre website

See the table of contents
Source: UNESCO World Heritage Centre website
Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Patrimoine Bâti: Nouvelles publications
Nouvelles publications de la Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Patrimoine Bâti:
- Procès verbaux de la Table Ronde: Conserver les lieux historiques: l'approche canadienne de 1950 à 2000 / Proceedings of the Round Table: Conserving historic places: Canadian approaches from 1950-2000. Edited by Christina Cameron and Christina Boucher [Télécharger / Download]
- L'étude des valeurs patrimoniales du campus principal de l'Université de Montréal. Mai 2008. Par Christina Cameron, Claudine Déom et Nicole Valois. [Télécharger / Download]
Source: Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Patrimoine Bâti
- Procès verbaux de la Table Ronde: Conserver les lieux historiques: l'approche canadienne de 1950 à 2000 / Proceedings of the Round Table: Conserving historic places: Canadian approaches from 1950-2000. Edited by Christina Cameron and Christina Boucher [Télécharger / Download]
- L'étude des valeurs patrimoniales du campus principal de l'Université de Montréal. Mai 2008. Par Christina Cameron, Claudine Déom et Nicole Valois. [Télécharger / Download]
Source: Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Patrimoine Bâti
Libellés :
historic sites,
Université de Montréal
Getty Research Library: New titles in the conservation collection (May 2009)
The Getty Research Library publishes regularly the new titles available in the collection.
Download the new titles (May 2009)
Download the new titles (May 2009)
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
Getty Research Library
Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 44
The Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 44 (22 June 2009) has just been published on their website
Read the issue n° 44
Read the issue n° 44
Libellés :
IFLA News Brief, n° 20 - 2009 (landscapes)
The issue n° 20 of the IFLA News Brief (June 2009) is available online.
Download the issue
Source: International Federation of Landscape Architects
Download the issue
Source: International Federation of Landscape Architects
Libellés :
IFLA News Brief,
Questionnaire about the search for and dissemination of scientific literature in the field of cultural heritage conservation
Towards the implementation of an open access archive in ICOMOS, the Documentation Centre is currently carrying out a survey on the research needs and the dissemination of scientific literature in the field of conservation of cultural heritage (historic monuments and sites).
We would be very grateful if you could collaborate with us by completing the questionnaire (see below). It will take only three minutes of your time and it will help us in identifying the needs and obstacles in the search for scientific information and the publication and dissemination of your work.
Your responses will remain confidential and all information will remain anonymous.
The Documentation Centre will soon publish the results of this survey on the website. Additionally please feel free to circulate the questionnaire among your colleagues.
We would greatly appreciate if you could please send the completed form to before the 3rd of July 2009
Download the form English - Français - Español
Dans le cadre du projet de mise en place d’une archive ouverte à l’ICOMOS, le Centre de Documentation mène actuellement une enquête sur les besoins en matière de recherche et de diffusion des publications scientifiques dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine culturel (monuments et sites historiques).
Nous vous serions très reconnaissants de collaborer à ce projet en remplissant le questionnaire ci-dessous. Cela ne vous prendra que trois minutes et nous permettra d’identifier aussi bien les besoins et les obstacles dans la recherche de l’information scientifique que ceux liés à la publication et diffusion de vos travaux.
Vos réponses demeureront confidentielles et le traitement de l’information sera anonyme.
Le Centre de Documentation publiera prochainement les résultats de cette enquête sur le site web. N’hésitez pas à diffuser ce questionnaire parmi vos collègues.
Veuillez envoyer le formulaire rempli à l’adresse avant le 3 juillet 2009.
Téléchargez le questionnnaire: English - Français - Español
En el marco del proyecto de creación de un archivo abierto en ICOMOS, el Centro de Documentación está realizando actualmente un estudio sobre las necesidades en investigación y difusión de la literatura científicas en el campo de la conservación del patrimonio cultural (monumentos y sitios históricos).
Le agradeceríamos si pudiera colaborar con nosotros rellenando el siguiente cuestionario. Solo le tomará tres minutos, y nos ayudará a identificar las necesidades y las dificultades que encuentran en la búsqueda de información científica y en la publicación y difusión de sus investigaciones.
Sus respuestas serán confidenciales y el tratamiento de la información será anónimo.
El Centro de Documentación publicará próximamente los resultados de esta investigación en el sitio web. No duden en distribuir el cuestionario entre sus colegas.
Por favor, envie el cuestionario completado a antes del 3 de julio de 2009
Descarga el cuestionario: English - Français - Español
We would be very grateful if you could collaborate with us by completing the questionnaire (see below). It will take only three minutes of your time and it will help us in identifying the needs and obstacles in the search for scientific information and the publication and dissemination of your work.
Your responses will remain confidential and all information will remain anonymous.
The Documentation Centre will soon publish the results of this survey on the website. Additionally please feel free to circulate the questionnaire among your colleagues.
We would greatly appreciate if you could please send the completed form to before the 3rd of July 2009
Download the form English - Français - Español
Dans le cadre du projet de mise en place d’une archive ouverte à l’ICOMOS, le Centre de Documentation mène actuellement une enquête sur les besoins en matière de recherche et de diffusion des publications scientifiques dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine culturel (monuments et sites historiques).
Nous vous serions très reconnaissants de collaborer à ce projet en remplissant le questionnaire ci-dessous. Cela ne vous prendra que trois minutes et nous permettra d’identifier aussi bien les besoins et les obstacles dans la recherche de l’information scientifique que ceux liés à la publication et diffusion de vos travaux.
Vos réponses demeureront confidentielles et le traitement de l’information sera anonyme.
Le Centre de Documentation publiera prochainement les résultats de cette enquête sur le site web. N’hésitez pas à diffuser ce questionnaire parmi vos collègues.
Veuillez envoyer le formulaire rempli à l’adresse avant le 3 juillet 2009.
Téléchargez le questionnnaire: English - Français - Español
En el marco del proyecto de creación de un archivo abierto en ICOMOS, el Centro de Documentación está realizando actualmente un estudio sobre las necesidades en investigación y difusión de la literatura científicas en el campo de la conservación del patrimonio cultural (monumentos y sitios históricos).
Le agradeceríamos si pudiera colaborar con nosotros rellenando el siguiente cuestionario. Solo le tomará tres minutos, y nos ayudará a identificar las necesidades y las dificultades que encuentran en la búsqueda de información científica y en la publicación y difusión de sus investigaciones.
Sus respuestas serán confidenciales y el tratamiento de la información será anónimo.
El Centro de Documentación publicará próximamente los resultados de esta investigación en el sitio web. No duden en distribuir el cuestionario entre sus colegas.
Por favor, envie el cuestionario completado a antes del 3 de julio de 2009
Descarga el cuestionario: English - Français - Español
Libellés :
ICOMOS Documentation Centre,
Open Access,
Museum International n° 241-242 - available
Museum International n° 241
Return of Cultural Objects: The Athens Conference

See the table of contents
Return of Cultural Objects: The Athens Conference

See the table of contents
Libellés :
Museum International,
Urban History News - June 2009
The monthly newsletter of the Centre for Urban History (CUH) of the University of Leicester, is available on the website.
Read the UHN June 2009 issue
Source: Centre for Urban History: School of Historical Studies (Univ. of Leicester)
Read the UHN June 2009 issue
Source: Centre for Urban History: School of Historical Studies (Univ. of Leicester)
Libellés :
Urban history
Online publication on sustainable tourism development
Online publication by UNESCO Office in Venice:
Sustainable Tourism Development in UNESCO. Designated Sites in South-Eastern Europe.
Tourism is in comparison with other industries dependent on national, regional and local resources (e.g. destinations, attractions, etc.) of a country. It is an industry which is bound to territory. Other industries generally depend on natural resources and/or services. Furthermore tourism depends on traditions, culture, etc. These features are incorporated
into tourism businesses becoming part of the tourism industry. This in turn creates a cross-sectoral, dynamic
approach to tourism with a corresponding management
Download the publication
Sustainable Tourism Development in UNESCO. Designated Sites in South-Eastern Europe.
Tourism is in comparison with other industries dependent on national, regional and local resources (e.g. destinations, attractions, etc.) of a country. It is an industry which is bound to territory. Other industries generally depend on natural resources and/or services. Furthermore tourism depends on traditions, culture, etc. These features are incorporated
into tourism businesses becoming part of the tourism industry. This in turn creates a cross-sectoral, dynamic
approach to tourism with a corresponding management
Download the publication
Libellés :
sustainable tourism,
Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage - Newsletter 43
The Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage has just published the issue n° 43 of the Newsletter (3 of June 2009).
View the current issue
Source: Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage
View the current issue
Source: Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage
Libellés :
Revista PATRIMONIO n° 37 (abril - junio 2009) disponible
la Fundacion del Patrimonio Historico de Castilla y Leon acaba de publicar el n° 37 de la Revista PATRIMONIO (abril - junio 2009)
Se encuentra disponible para descargar en el sitio web de la Fundacion
Source: Fundacion del Patrimonio Historico de Castilla y Leon
Se encuentra disponible para descargar en el sitio web de la Fundacion
Source: Fundacion del Patrimonio Historico de Castilla y Leon
Getty Conservation Institute Bulletin - June 2009
The Getty Conservation Institute
The GCI Bulletin, June 2009, is now available on the website
Read the bulletin
Source: The Getty Conservation Institute
The GCI Bulletin, June 2009, is now available on the website
Read the bulletin
Source: The Getty Conservation Institute
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
IFLA Newsletter n° 82; IFLA News Brief, n° 19 and Special Issue - May 2009 (landscapes)
New IFLA publications:
IFLA Newsletter n° 82, May 2009, available
Two issues of IFLA News Brief, n° 19 and World Landscape Architecture Month celebrated, has just been published.
Download issue 19 and the World Landscape Architecture Month Celebrated issue
Source: International Federation of Landscapes Architecture
IFLA Newsletter n° 82, May 2009, available
Two issues of IFLA News Brief, n° 19 and World Landscape Architecture Month celebrated, has just been published.
Download issue 19 and the World Landscape Architecture Month Celebrated issue
Source: International Federation of Landscapes Architecture
Libellés :
IFLA News Brief,
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