Procès-verbal – Le Patrimoine Mondial : Définir et protéger les « perspectives visuelle importantes »
Proceedings – World Heritage: defining and protecting “Important Views”
La Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Patrimoine Bâti a publié sur leur site web les actes de la Table Ronde organisée le 18-20 Mars 2008 à Montréal, Quebec, avec le sujet suivant:
Le Patrimoine Mondial : Définir et protéger les « perspectives visuelle importantes »
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Online documents, publications, journals, newsletters... on cultural heritage
Le Patrimoine Mondial : Définir et protéger les « perspectives visuelle importantes »
Herculaneum Project
The Herculaneum Project is a collaboration between the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the Herculaneum Conservation Project (HCP)—a large project begun in 2001. The HCP is sponsored by the Packard Humanities Institute and is conducted in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Speciale per i beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei, under the management of the British School in Rome. The HCP overall objective is conserving and enhancing the ancient city of Herculaneum.
More information on the project in the Getty Conservation Institute website
More information on the project in the Getty Conservation Institute website
Patrimoine de l'industrie: ressources, pratiques, cultures, n° 20
Le numéro 20/2008 de la revue scientifique du TICCIH, Patrimoine de l'industrie: ressources, pratiques, cultures vient d'être publié.

Pour les souscriptions / achat de la revue, contactez Mr. Louis Bergeron (

Pour les souscriptions / achat de la revue, contactez Mr. Louis Bergeron (
Libellés :
industrial heritage,
Patrimoine de l'industrie,
Salt attack and rising damp: New technical publication by the New South Wales Heritage Council
Salt Attack and rising damp: A guide to salt damp in historic and older buildings
Salt Attack and rising damp provides information to understand what causes salt attack and rising damp and to diagnose and identify appropriate repairs for cases commonly seen in Australia. While emphasis is given to buildings of heritage value, the principles apply to all older buildings.
This extensively illustrated book provides useful guidance for architects, planners, local council officers and heritage owners.
Download the document
Source: NSW Heritage Council
Salt Attack and rising damp provides information to understand what causes salt attack and rising damp and to diagnose and identify appropriate repairs for cases commonly seen in Australia. While emphasis is given to buildings of heritage value, the principles apply to all older buildings.
This extensively illustrated book provides useful guidance for architects, planners, local council officers and heritage owners.
Download the document
Source: NSW Heritage Council
Libellés :
NSW Heritage Council,
IFLA News Brief, n° 16 - 2009 (landscapes)
The IFLA News Brief, issue #16 (2009) has just been published.
Download the document
Source: International Federation of Landscapes Architects (IFLA)
Download the document
Source: International Federation of Landscapes Architects (IFLA)
Libellés :
IFLA News Brief,
Bibliography on World Heritage Cultural Landscapes

An updated bibliography on the World Heritage Cultural Landscapes is available on the ICOMOS Documentation Centre website.
The document includes a description (taken from the WHC website) of every property inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List with a bibliography based on documents available at the ICOMOS Documentation Centre.
Download the bibliography
Libellés :
cultural landscapes,
ICOMOS Documentation Centre
E_Conservation Magazine - N° 8, February 2009
The 8th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download
Source: e-Conservation: The online magazine
Source: e-Conservation: The online magazine
Libellés :
e_conservation magazine,
Urban History News - February 2009
The latest edition of Urban History News (UHN) is now online
Particular attention is drawn to the 2009 Annual Conferences of Urban History Group, Economic History Society and Social History Society which will be held at the University of Warwick the first weekend in April. The draft programme for UHG is now uploaded at
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
Particular attention is drawn to the 2009 Annual Conferences of Urban History Group, Economic History Society and Social History Society which will be held at the University of Warwick the first weekend in April. The draft programme for UHG is now uploaded at
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
Libellés :
Urban history
IFLA Newsletter n° 80
IFLA (the International Federation of Landscape Architects) has just published the IFLA Newsletter, n° 80 (January 2009)
Download the newsletter
Download the newsletter
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute Bulletin - February 2009
The GCI Bulletin, February 2009, is now available on the website
Read the bulletin
Source: Getty Conservation Institute website
Read the bulletin
Source: Getty Conservation Institute website
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
Africa 2009 Newsletter, n° 8
Africa 2009 Newsletter, a joint publication of CHDA (Centre for Development in Africa) and EPA (Ecole du Patrimoine Africa) has been published.
Download the newsletter
Source: ICCROM website
Download the newsletter
Source: ICCROM website
Libellés :
Africa 2009,
Bulletin du RCIP - CHIN Newsletter ( February 2009)
Bulletin du RCIP - CHIN Newsletter (February 2009)
[Téléchargez / Download]
Ce mois-ci, nous vous proposons :
-Le RCIP à l’écoute des associations canadiennes de musées
-Profitez de vos privilèges à la conférence Technology in the Arts
-Le Musée des droits de la personne voit le jour en ligne!
-Appel de propositions : Un franc succès
-Le MVC dévoile sa nouvelle section balados
-La Fête du patrimoine : une occasion de promouvoir votre participation au MVC!
This month, we offer you an insight on the following subjects:
-CHIN Engages Canada’s Museum Associations
-Take advantage of a discount at Technology in the Arts
-The Canadian Museum for Human Rights goes online
-Call for Proposals – Resounding Success
-VMC Unveils New Museum Podcasts
-Heritage Day: An occasion to highlight your VMC profile
Source: CHIN / RCIP
[Téléchargez / Download]
Ce mois-ci, nous vous proposons :
-Le RCIP à l’écoute des associations canadiennes de musées
-Profitez de vos privilèges à la conférence Technology in the Arts
-Le Musée des droits de la personne voit le jour en ligne!
-Appel de propositions : Un franc succès
-Le MVC dévoile sa nouvelle section balados
-La Fête du patrimoine : une occasion de promouvoir votre participation au MVC!
This month, we offer you an insight on the following subjects:
-CHIN Engages Canada’s Museum Associations
-Take advantage of a discount at Technology in the Arts
-The Canadian Museum for Human Rights goes online
-Call for Proposals – Resounding Success
-VMC Unveils New Museum Podcasts
-Heritage Day: An occasion to highlight your VMC profile
Source: CHIN / RCIP
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