We are pleased to announce that INORA, the International Newsletter on Rock Art, under the auspices of Comité International d'Art Rupestre (CAR–ICOMOS), Union Internationale des Sciences préhistoriques-Protohistoriques (UISPP) and Association pour le Rayonnement de l'art pariétal européen (ARAPE), is now available online in the website of the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre.
Edited by Dr Jean Clottes, Former Director of the Chauvet Research Team, funded (or subsidized, or sponsored) by the Ministry of Culture (France) and the Département de l’Ariège (France), the newsletter presents the latest discoveries of rock art from around the world. It provides a platform for discussion and debate of current theories and controversies. It examines past, present and future documentation and dating techniques, and their interpretation.
All the issues of the newsletter – apart from those published in 2007 and 2008 – have been digitized by the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre and made available on the website. From now on, the full text of the newsletter is available at the following address:
Next issues of the newsletter will be made available on the website in full text.
However, the newsletters published during the last two years will not be available online. To get access to the most recent issues, people will need to subscribe.
For more information about the subscription to INORA, please write to Dr. Jean Clottes (j.clottes@wanadoo.fr)
Dr. Jean Clottes (INORA Editor)
Jose Garcia Vicente (Manager of the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre)