El Centro de Documentacion del ICOMOS estará cerrado al público entre el 22 de diciembre y el 2 de enero del 2009.
The Documentation Centre will be close between December 22nd and January 2nd 2009.
Desde el Centro de Documentacion UNESCO-ICOMOS os deseamos unas felices fiestas navideñas, llenas de paz, tranquilidad y descanso, y mucha suerte para el año 2009!!
Feliz Año - Happy New Year - Bonne Année 2009!
Online documents, publications, journals, newsletters... on cultural heritage
Felices Fiestas - Merry Christmas - Meilleurs voeux
Libellés :
ICOMOS Documentation Centre
ICOMOS News, Vol. 17, n° 2, December 2008
ICOMOS News / Les Nouvelles de l'ICOMOS, vol. 17, n° 2 (December 2008) vient d'être publié.

- 16th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (p. 3 - 12)
- UNESCO intangible cultural heritage convention (p. 13)
- In Memoriam (p. 13)
- Piero Gazzola Centenary celebrations (p. 14)
- Strategic Work Plan 2008-2011 (p. 16)
- Call for interest: Redefining ICOMOS' visual identity (p. 16)
- The International Day for Monuments and Sites 2009 (p. 18-21)
- The Raymond Lemaire International Fund (p. 22)
- New ICOMOS publications (p. 23)

- 16th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (p. 3 - 12)
- UNESCO intangible cultural heritage convention (p. 13)
- In Memoriam (p. 13)
- Piero Gazzola Centenary celebrations (p. 14)
- Strategic Work Plan 2008-2011 (p. 16)
- Call for interest: Redefining ICOMOS' visual identity (p. 16)
- The International Day for Monuments and Sites 2009 (p. 18-21)
- The Raymond Lemaire International Fund (p. 22)
- New ICOMOS publications (p. 23)
Libellés :
ICOMOS Newsletter
Historic Centre of Florence: Management plan 2006 - 2008
The Management Plan 2006-2008 of the Historic Centre of Florence (UNESCO World Heritage List) is available online in the website of Comune di Firenze.
You can download it in English and Italian
Source: Comune di Firenze
You can download it in English and Italian
Source: Comune di Firenze
Libellés :
management plans,
World Heritage Convention,
World Heritage List
Manuel HEREDUC pour les enseignants / HEREDUC Handbook for teachers
Le manuel 'Le patrimoine dans la salle de classe' contient des approches envers le patrimoine en Europe et se concentre sur la façon dont les enseignants pourraient intégrer l'enseignement du patrimoine au sein de leurs leçons, tant dans les écoles primaires que secondaires. Il est écrite dans une optique d'application pratique. il se termine avec une série de 34 exemples pratiques de cinq pays européens qui peuvent ètre une source d'inspiration ainsi qu'une bibliographie sélective
Téléchargez la publication en français
The HEREDUC handbook contains approaches to heritage in Europe and concentrates on how teachers might integrate heritage education in lessons, in primary as well as secondary schools. The text is written with practical application in mind. The handbook finishes with a series of 34 inspiring practical examples from five European countries and a selective bibliography.
Download the publication in English
Source: HEREDUC - Heritage Education
Téléchargez la publication en français
The HEREDUC handbook contains approaches to heritage in Europe and concentrates on how teachers might integrate heritage education in lessons, in primary as well as secondary schools. The text is written with practical application in mind. The handbook finishes with a series of 34 inspiring practical examples from five European countries and a selective bibliography.
Download the publication in English
Source: HEREDUC - Heritage Education
Getty Conservation Institute: New publication
Plant Biology for Cultural Heritage: Biodeterioration and Conservation.
Edited by Giulia Caneva, Maria Pia Nugari, and Ornella Salvadori
This book brings together wide-ranging scientific contributions from the field of plant biology relating to the biodeterioration and conservation of art, architecture, and archaeological sites around the world.
Plant Biology for Cultural Heritage presents the work of dozens of scientists who have studied problems presented by the biological degradation of cultural heritage, tackling both general topics (mechanisms of biodeterioration; correlation between biodeterioration and environment; and destructive organisms) and specific ones (problems presented by different materials; various environmental and climatic conditions; and diverse geographic settings). The book also discusses solutions for the prevention and control of deterioration, including appropriate diagnostic techniques.
Giulia Caneva is professor of botany at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Maria Pia Nugari is director-biologist at the Istituto Centrale del Restauro in Rome and adjunct professor at the Università della Tuscia (VT). Ornella Salvadori is director of the scientific laboratory of the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Veneziano.
Source: Getty Conservation Institute
Edited by Giulia Caneva, Maria Pia Nugari, and Ornella Salvadori
This book brings together wide-ranging scientific contributions from the field of plant biology relating to the biodeterioration and conservation of art, architecture, and archaeological sites around the world.
Plant Biology for Cultural Heritage presents the work of dozens of scientists who have studied problems presented by the biological degradation of cultural heritage, tackling both general topics (mechanisms of biodeterioration; correlation between biodeterioration and environment; and destructive organisms) and specific ones (problems presented by different materials; various environmental and climatic conditions; and diverse geographic settings). The book also discusses solutions for the prevention and control of deterioration, including appropriate diagnostic techniques.
Giulia Caneva is professor of botany at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Maria Pia Nugari is director-biologist at the Istituto Centrale del Restauro in Rome and adjunct professor at the Università della Tuscia (VT). Ornella Salvadori is director of the scientific laboratory of the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Veneziano.
Source: Getty Conservation Institute
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
Cuba Arqueológica. Revista digital de Arqueología de Cuba y el Caribe
Cuba Arqueológica. Revista digital de Arqueología de Cuba y el Caribe. Año 1. No. 1, 2008 (ISSN: 1852-0723 )
El primer número (Octubre 2008) de la revista 'Cuba Arqueológica' ha sido publicado en la web www.cubaarqueologica.org, donde pueden consultarlo y descargarlo.
El primer número (Octubre 2008) de la revista 'Cuba Arqueológica' ha sido publicado en la web www.cubaarqueologica.org, donde pueden consultarlo y descargarlo.
Bulletin du RCIP - CHIN Newsletter (December 2008)
Le Bulletin du RCIP de décembre est consacré au marketing en ligne. Vous y trouverez des outils, des ressources et une entrevue exclusive avec des experts de ce domaine.
Accédez au Bulletin du RCIP
The December edition of the CHIN Newsletter is dedicated to online marketing. Therein you will find tools, resources and an exclusive interview with experts in that field.
Read the CHIN Newsletter
Source: RCIP Website / CHIN website
Accédez au Bulletin du RCIP
The December edition of the CHIN Newsletter is dedicated to online marketing. Therein you will find tools, resources and an exclusive interview with experts in that field.
Read the CHIN Newsletter
Source: RCIP Website / CHIN website
Libellés :
IFLA News Brief, n° 13 - 2008 (landscapes)
Libellés :
IFLA News Brief,
Urban History News - December 2008
URBAN HISTORY NEWS - December 2008 Issue
The December 2008 issue of UHN is now on-line
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
The December 2008 issue of UHN is now on-line
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
Libellés :
Urban history
News from the Getty Conservation Institute - December 2008
- Getty Conservation Institute Bulletin - December 2008
- New Video available: "Climate Change and Preserving Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century"
A panel of cultural heritage professionals and environmentalists discussed the ways core values of historic preservation have a significant role to play in addressing this issue. Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Source: GCI website
- New Video available: "Climate Change and Preserving Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century"
A panel of cultural heritage professionals and environmentalists discussed the ways core values of historic preservation have a significant role to play in addressing this issue. Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Source: GCI website
Libellés :
Climate Change,
Getty Conservation Institute,
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