The UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre has just made available, in the website, a bibliography on archaeological heritage management. All the documents in the bibliography are in the ICOMOS bibliographic database and for consultation in the Documentation Centre.
The bibliography can be downloaded in PDF format
Online documents, publications, journals, newsletters... on cultural heritage
IFLA Newsletter n° 79 and IFLA News Brief, n° 12 - 2008
- IFLA Newsletter n° 79 - November 2008: Issue on Climate Change (Download)
- IFLA News Brief n° 12 (Download)
- IFLA News Brief n° 12 (Download)
Libellés :
Climate Change,
IFLA News Brief,
Getty Conservation Institute: New publications and video
The Getty Conservation Institute is pleased to announce two new publications on conservation documentation for cultural heritage places: Guiding Principles and Illustrated Examples.
These two publications are available now to download for free from the GCI's website.
New Video: Conservation Education at Vat Phou
Clarissa Castaneda - Communications & Information Resources
The Getty Conservation Institute
These two publications are available now to download for free from the GCI's website.
New Video: Conservation Education at Vat Phou
Clarissa Castaneda - Communications & Information Resources
The Getty Conservation Institute
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
ICCROM LATAM Programme (2008-2019) - Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean
LATAM - Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean Programme (2008-2019)
The ICCROM LATAM programme was launched in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in July 2008. The 12-year programme focuses on cultural heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean, and will improve and strengthen the capacities for conservation, enhance communication and exchange, and increase awareness in the region.
The results of the meeting and proposals for the first phase of the programme are now available in electronic format (pdf 470) in Spanish.
Source: ICCROM website
The ICCROM LATAM programme was launched in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in July 2008. The 12-year programme focuses on cultural heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean, and will improve and strengthen the capacities for conservation, enhance communication and exchange, and increase awareness in the region.
The results of the meeting and proposals for the first phase of the programme are now available in electronic format (pdf 470) in Spanish.
Source: ICCROM website
Libellés :
Latin America
Two new volumes of the ICOMOS 'Monuments and Sites' collection: Stone glossary and polar heritage
ICOMOS has just publised two new volumes of the collection "Monuments and Sites":
- Monuments and Sites Vol. XV: ICOMOS-ISCS: Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns = Glossaire illustré sur les formes d'altération de la pierre. English-French version - Version Anglais-Français. Paris: ICOMOS-ISCS, 2008. 78 p. (Monuments and Sites; XV). ISBN: 978-2-918086-00-0. (Download the publication)
- Monuments and Sites Vol. XVII: HISTORICAL polar bases - preservation and management. Edited by Susan Barr and Paul Chaplin for the International Polar Heritage Committee of ICOMOS. Oslo: ICOMOS IPHC, 2008. 95 p. ISBN: 978-82-996891-2-0
ICOMOS 16th General Assembly:
The final and amended Resolutions of the ICOMOS 16th General Assembly are available in the ICOMOS website.
- Monuments and Sites Vol. XV: ICOMOS-ISCS: Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns = Glossaire illustré sur les formes d'altération de la pierre. English-French version - Version Anglais-Français. Paris: ICOMOS-ISCS, 2008. 78 p. (Monuments and Sites; XV). ISBN: 978-2-918086-00-0. (Download the publication)
- Monuments and Sites Vol. XVII: HISTORICAL polar bases - preservation and management. Edited by Susan Barr and Paul Chaplin for the International Polar Heritage Committee of ICOMOS. Oslo: ICOMOS IPHC, 2008. 95 p. ISBN: 978-82-996891-2-0
ICOMOS 16th General Assembly:
The final and amended Resolutions of the ICOMOS 16th General Assembly are available in the ICOMOS website.
Libellés :
polar heritage,
UNESCO Bangkok Publication available - Seeing with Young Eyes: Using Art to Teach about World Heritage
Seeing with Young Eyes: Using Art to Teach about World Heritage by UNESCO Bangkok
This publication provides creative lesson plan tools and an update on country activities in the field of World Heritage Education. This approach was presented at the third Sub-regional Southeast Asian Teacher Training Workshop on Using Art to Teach about World Heritage held from 15 to 21 January 2006 in Penang, Malaysia.
Download the publication in PDF
Source: ICCROM website
This publication provides creative lesson plan tools and an update on country activities in the field of World Heritage Education. This approach was presented at the third Sub-regional Southeast Asian Teacher Training Workshop on Using Art to Teach about World Heritage held from 15 to 21 January 2006 in Penang, Malaysia.
Download the publication in PDF
Source: ICCROM website
Libellés :
UNESCO Bangkok,
World Heritage Convention
Urban History News - November 2008
URBAN HISTORY NEWS - November 2008 Issue
The November 2008 issue of UHN is now on-line
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
The November 2008 issue of UHN is now on-line
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
Libellés :
Urban history
ICOMOS au Salon du Patrimoine 2008 (Paris)
ICOMOS International est présent au Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel, qui se tient du 6 au 9 novembre 2008 au Carrousel du Louvre à Paris,
ICOMOS est dans le stand "de l'Universel au local", organisé et partagé avec nos collègues de la Section Française de l’ICOMOS et le Réseau Grands Sites de France (RGSF)
Notre Stand se trouve dans la salle Soufflot, emplacement F4.
Dans le cadre du Salon, ICOMOS France présente l'exposition "Un patrimoine commun en Méditerranée: Fortifications de l'époque des Croisades", tenue pour toute la durée du Salon à l'emplacement C5, salle Gabriel.
Ci-dessous quelques photos du vernissage le mercredi 5 novembre.

Olivier Poisson (Vice-Président ICOMOS International), Bénédicte Selfslagh (Secrétaire Générale ICOMOS International), Julien Anfruns (Directeur Général de l'ICOM) et Gaia Jungeblodt (Directrice d'ICOMOS International)

ICOMOS est dans le stand "de l'Universel au local", organisé et partagé avec nos collègues de la Section Française de l’ICOMOS et le Réseau Grands Sites de France (RGSF)
Notre Stand se trouve dans la salle Soufflot, emplacement F4.
Dans le cadre du Salon, ICOMOS France présente l'exposition "Un patrimoine commun en Méditerranée: Fortifications de l'époque des Croisades", tenue pour toute la durée du Salon à l'emplacement C5, salle Gabriel.
Ci-dessous quelques photos du vernissage le mercredi 5 novembre.
Olivier Poisson (Vice-Président ICOMOS International), Bénédicte Selfslagh (Secrétaire Générale ICOMOS International), Julien Anfruns (Directeur Général de l'ICOM) et Gaia Jungeblodt (Directrice d'ICOMOS International)
Libellés :
ICOMOS France,
Salon du Patrimoine
Museum and Heritage Magazine, n° 3, 2008 - online
The n° 3, 2008 of the "Museum and Heritage Magazine" is now online to read or download.
View the magazine
View the magazine
E_Conservation Magazine - N° 7, October 2008
E-Conservation Magazine:
The 7th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download!
Issue No. 7, published on October 31, 2008
Download the magazine
The 7th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download!
Issue No. 7, published on October 31, 2008
Download the magazine
Libellés :
e_conservation magazine,
IFLA News Brief, n° 11 - 2008
The International Federation of Landscapes Architecture (IFLA):
IFLA News Brief n° 11 - 2008 (available)
IFLA News Brief n° 11 - 2008 (available)
Libellés :
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