
ICOMOS old publication online: Proceedings of a Conference, Graz, 1969

Kolloquium: Der verkehr in den historischen stadtzentren. Graz, 5-10 Oktober 1969. Paris: ICOMOS, 1972. 147 p.

The proceedings of the ICOMOS Conference held in Graz, 5-10 Oktober 1969, have just been digitized by the Documentation Centre and made available on the ICOMOS website.

Download the proceedings / Téléchargez les actes

ICOMOS Annual Report 2006 available on the website

The ICOMOS Annual Report 2006 is available on the ICOMOS website. / Le Rapport Annuel 2006 de l'ICOMOS est désormais sur le site web de l'ICOMOS.

Download / Téléchargez


UNESCO World Heritage Centre: New publications online

The UNESCO World Heritage Centre has just published two new publications, available in PDF in their website:

- World Heritage Papers n° 23: Enhancing our heritage toolkit, assessing management effectiveness of natural World Heritage Sites(Download)

- World Heritage Papers n° 24: Rock Art in the Caribbean: Towards a serial transnational nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List (Download)


Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site: Management plan 2008-2014

The pre-publication draft of the Management Plan for Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site 2008-2014 is available online.

Download the document

Source: http://www.hadrians-wall.org/


E_Conservation Magazine - N° 5, June 2008

The 5th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download!

Issue No. 5, published on 30th June, 2008

Download the magazine

Getty Conservation Institute: New video

The Asian Organic Colorants project is a collaborative scientific research project to develop a strategy for the analysis of traditional Chinese organic colorants used as textile dyes and organic pigments in Chinese wall paintings and for the analysis of organic colorants used as textile dyes and organic pigments in Asia. Detection and identification of traditional Chinese organic colorants presents a challenge not only because many of the biological sources used to create them have not been well studied, but because in the case of is organic paints, concentrations of these colorants are relatively low compared with inorganic pigments and binding media. Much less is known of these colorants than of the dye and organic pigment sources used in Europe and the Americas.

See the video

France: Déclaration solennelle pour le patrimoine

FRANCE: Alertés de la réduction drastique des crédits effectivement
disponibles pour l’entretien et la restauration du patrimoine et inquiets de certaines prises de positions récentes sur de prétendues
niches fiscales abusives dans les secteurs des monuments historiques
et espaces protégés, les associations nationales de sauvegarde du
patrimoine bâti et paysager ont pris l'initiative de rédiger une
déclaration solennelle sur le patrimoine.
Lire la Déclaration


Museum and Heritage Magazine, n° 2, 2008 - online

The n° 2, 2008 of the "Museum and Heritage Magazine" is now online to read or download.
View the magazine


e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico - Numero 2 Junio 2008

El número 2, Junio 2008, de 'e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico', acaba de ser publicado. Consulte el contenido de la revista en http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es

The number 2, June 2008, of 'e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico' has just been published. Read the contents in http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es

ICOMOS publication online

The UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre has just digitized the proceedings of the "Symposium ICOMOS CSSR: Premier colloque sur les problèmes posés par la sauvegarde de l’architecture populaire.Slovakia 1971".
The full text in available on the ICOMOS Website

Download the document


"ICOMOS Bulletin" collection (1971 - 1987) online

The "ICOMOS Bulletin" collection, published between 1971 and 1987, has just been digitized by the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre and made available in the ICOMOS Website:
Download the publications

The 7 issues of that collection are:

N° 1: Hungary / Hongrie - 1971
N° 2: USSR / URSS – 1971
N° 3: République Fédérale d’Allemagne / Federal Republic of Germany – 1975
N° 4: Tchécoslovaquie / Czechoslovakia – 1976
N° 5: République Démocratique Allemande / German Democratic Republic – 1978
N° 6: The cultural heritage in Sweden – 1981
N° 7: Norway: A cultural heritage / norvège: un patrimoine culturel - 1987