El Centro de Documentacion del ICOMOS estará cerrado al público entre el 22 de diciembre y el 2 de enero del 2009.
The Documentation Centre will be close between December 22nd and January 2nd 2009.
Desde el Centro de Documentacion UNESCO-ICOMOS os deseamos unas felices fiestas navideñas, llenas de paz, tranquilidad y descanso, y mucha suerte para el año 2009!!
Feliz Año - Happy New Year - Bonne Année 2009!
Online documents, publications, journals, newsletters... on cultural heritage
Felices Fiestas - Merry Christmas - Meilleurs voeux
Libellés :
ICOMOS Documentation Centre
ICOMOS News, Vol. 17, n° 2, December 2008
ICOMOS News / Les Nouvelles de l'ICOMOS, vol. 17, n° 2 (December 2008) vient d'être publié.

- 16th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (p. 3 - 12)
- UNESCO intangible cultural heritage convention (p. 13)
- In Memoriam (p. 13)
- Piero Gazzola Centenary celebrations (p. 14)
- Strategic Work Plan 2008-2011 (p. 16)
- Call for interest: Redefining ICOMOS' visual identity (p. 16)
- The International Day for Monuments and Sites 2009 (p. 18-21)
- The Raymond Lemaire International Fund (p. 22)
- New ICOMOS publications (p. 23)

- 16th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (p. 3 - 12)
- UNESCO intangible cultural heritage convention (p. 13)
- In Memoriam (p. 13)
- Piero Gazzola Centenary celebrations (p. 14)
- Strategic Work Plan 2008-2011 (p. 16)
- Call for interest: Redefining ICOMOS' visual identity (p. 16)
- The International Day for Monuments and Sites 2009 (p. 18-21)
- The Raymond Lemaire International Fund (p. 22)
- New ICOMOS publications (p. 23)
Libellés :
ICOMOS Newsletter
Historic Centre of Florence: Management plan 2006 - 2008
The Management Plan 2006-2008 of the Historic Centre of Florence (UNESCO World Heritage List) is available online in the website of Comune di Firenze.
You can download it in English and Italian
Source: Comune di Firenze
You can download it in English and Italian
Source: Comune di Firenze
Libellés :
management plans,
World Heritage Convention,
World Heritage List
Manuel HEREDUC pour les enseignants / HEREDUC Handbook for teachers
Le manuel 'Le patrimoine dans la salle de classe' contient des approches envers le patrimoine en Europe et se concentre sur la façon dont les enseignants pourraient intégrer l'enseignement du patrimoine au sein de leurs leçons, tant dans les écoles primaires que secondaires. Il est écrite dans une optique d'application pratique. il se termine avec une série de 34 exemples pratiques de cinq pays européens qui peuvent ètre une source d'inspiration ainsi qu'une bibliographie sélective
Téléchargez la publication en français
The HEREDUC handbook contains approaches to heritage in Europe and concentrates on how teachers might integrate heritage education in lessons, in primary as well as secondary schools. The text is written with practical application in mind. The handbook finishes with a series of 34 inspiring practical examples from five European countries and a selective bibliography.
Download the publication in English
Source: HEREDUC - Heritage Education
Téléchargez la publication en français
The HEREDUC handbook contains approaches to heritage in Europe and concentrates on how teachers might integrate heritage education in lessons, in primary as well as secondary schools. The text is written with practical application in mind. The handbook finishes with a series of 34 inspiring practical examples from five European countries and a selective bibliography.
Download the publication in English
Source: HEREDUC - Heritage Education
Getty Conservation Institute: New publication
Plant Biology for Cultural Heritage: Biodeterioration and Conservation.
Edited by Giulia Caneva, Maria Pia Nugari, and Ornella Salvadori
This book brings together wide-ranging scientific contributions from the field of plant biology relating to the biodeterioration and conservation of art, architecture, and archaeological sites around the world.
Plant Biology for Cultural Heritage presents the work of dozens of scientists who have studied problems presented by the biological degradation of cultural heritage, tackling both general topics (mechanisms of biodeterioration; correlation between biodeterioration and environment; and destructive organisms) and specific ones (problems presented by different materials; various environmental and climatic conditions; and diverse geographic settings). The book also discusses solutions for the prevention and control of deterioration, including appropriate diagnostic techniques.
Giulia Caneva is professor of botany at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Maria Pia Nugari is director-biologist at the Istituto Centrale del Restauro in Rome and adjunct professor at the Università della Tuscia (VT). Ornella Salvadori is director of the scientific laboratory of the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Veneziano.
Source: Getty Conservation Institute
Edited by Giulia Caneva, Maria Pia Nugari, and Ornella Salvadori
This book brings together wide-ranging scientific contributions from the field of plant biology relating to the biodeterioration and conservation of art, architecture, and archaeological sites around the world.
Plant Biology for Cultural Heritage presents the work of dozens of scientists who have studied problems presented by the biological degradation of cultural heritage, tackling both general topics (mechanisms of biodeterioration; correlation between biodeterioration and environment; and destructive organisms) and specific ones (problems presented by different materials; various environmental and climatic conditions; and diverse geographic settings). The book also discusses solutions for the prevention and control of deterioration, including appropriate diagnostic techniques.
Giulia Caneva is professor of botany at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Maria Pia Nugari is director-biologist at the Istituto Centrale del Restauro in Rome and adjunct professor at the Università della Tuscia (VT). Ornella Salvadori is director of the scientific laboratory of the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale Veneziano.
Source: Getty Conservation Institute
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
Cuba Arqueológica. Revista digital de Arqueología de Cuba y el Caribe
Cuba Arqueológica. Revista digital de Arqueología de Cuba y el Caribe. Año 1. No. 1, 2008 (ISSN: 1852-0723 )
El primer número (Octubre 2008) de la revista 'Cuba Arqueológica' ha sido publicado en la web www.cubaarqueologica.org, donde pueden consultarlo y descargarlo.
El primer número (Octubre 2008) de la revista 'Cuba Arqueológica' ha sido publicado en la web www.cubaarqueologica.org, donde pueden consultarlo y descargarlo.
Bulletin du RCIP - CHIN Newsletter (December 2008)
Le Bulletin du RCIP de décembre est consacré au marketing en ligne. Vous y trouverez des outils, des ressources et une entrevue exclusive avec des experts de ce domaine.
Accédez au Bulletin du RCIP
The December edition of the CHIN Newsletter is dedicated to online marketing. Therein you will find tools, resources and an exclusive interview with experts in that field.
Read the CHIN Newsletter
Source: RCIP Website / CHIN website
Accédez au Bulletin du RCIP
The December edition of the CHIN Newsletter is dedicated to online marketing. Therein you will find tools, resources and an exclusive interview with experts in that field.
Read the CHIN Newsletter
Source: RCIP Website / CHIN website
Libellés :
IFLA News Brief, n° 13 - 2008 (landscapes)
Libellés :
IFLA News Brief,
Urban History News - December 2008
URBAN HISTORY NEWS - December 2008 Issue
The December 2008 issue of UHN is now on-line
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
The December 2008 issue of UHN is now on-line
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
Libellés :
Urban history
News from the Getty Conservation Institute - December 2008
- Getty Conservation Institute Bulletin - December 2008
- New Video available: "Climate Change and Preserving Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century"
A panel of cultural heritage professionals and environmentalists discussed the ways core values of historic preservation have a significant role to play in addressing this issue. Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Source: GCI website
- New Video available: "Climate Change and Preserving Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century"
A panel of cultural heritage professionals and environmentalists discussed the ways core values of historic preservation have a significant role to play in addressing this issue. Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Source: GCI website
Libellés :
Climate Change,
Getty Conservation Institute,
Bibliography on archaeological heritage by the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre
The UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre has just made available, in the website, a bibliography on archaeological heritage management. All the documents in the bibliography are in the ICOMOS bibliographic database and for consultation in the Documentation Centre.
The bibliography can be downloaded in PDF format
The bibliography can be downloaded in PDF format
Libellés :
ICOMOS Documentation Centre
IFLA Newsletter n° 79 and IFLA News Brief, n° 12 - 2008
- IFLA Newsletter n° 79 - November 2008: Issue on Climate Change (Download)
- IFLA News Brief n° 12 (Download)
- IFLA News Brief n° 12 (Download)
Libellés :
Climate Change,
IFLA News Brief,
Getty Conservation Institute: New publications and video
The Getty Conservation Institute is pleased to announce two new publications on conservation documentation for cultural heritage places: Guiding Principles and Illustrated Examples.
These two publications are available now to download for free from the GCI's website.
New Video: Conservation Education at Vat Phou
Clarissa Castaneda - Communications & Information Resources
The Getty Conservation Institute
These two publications are available now to download for free from the GCI's website.
New Video: Conservation Education at Vat Phou
Clarissa Castaneda - Communications & Information Resources
The Getty Conservation Institute
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
ICCROM LATAM Programme (2008-2019) - Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean
LATAM - Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean Programme (2008-2019)
The ICCROM LATAM programme was launched in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in July 2008. The 12-year programme focuses on cultural heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean, and will improve and strengthen the capacities for conservation, enhance communication and exchange, and increase awareness in the region.
The results of the meeting and proposals for the first phase of the programme are now available in electronic format (pdf 470) in Spanish.
Source: ICCROM website
The ICCROM LATAM programme was launched in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in July 2008. The 12-year programme focuses on cultural heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean, and will improve and strengthen the capacities for conservation, enhance communication and exchange, and increase awareness in the region.
The results of the meeting and proposals for the first phase of the programme are now available in electronic format (pdf 470) in Spanish.
Source: ICCROM website
Libellés :
Latin America
Two new volumes of the ICOMOS 'Monuments and Sites' collection: Stone glossary and polar heritage
ICOMOS has just publised two new volumes of the collection "Monuments and Sites":
- Monuments and Sites Vol. XV: ICOMOS-ISCS: Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns = Glossaire illustré sur les formes d'altération de la pierre. English-French version - Version Anglais-Français. Paris: ICOMOS-ISCS, 2008. 78 p. (Monuments and Sites; XV). ISBN: 978-2-918086-00-0. (Download the publication)
- Monuments and Sites Vol. XVII: HISTORICAL polar bases - preservation and management. Edited by Susan Barr and Paul Chaplin for the International Polar Heritage Committee of ICOMOS. Oslo: ICOMOS IPHC, 2008. 95 p. ISBN: 978-82-996891-2-0
ICOMOS 16th General Assembly:
The final and amended Resolutions of the ICOMOS 16th General Assembly are available in the ICOMOS website.
- Monuments and Sites Vol. XV: ICOMOS-ISCS: Illustrated glossary on stone deterioration patterns = Glossaire illustré sur les formes d'altération de la pierre. English-French version - Version Anglais-Français. Paris: ICOMOS-ISCS, 2008. 78 p. (Monuments and Sites; XV). ISBN: 978-2-918086-00-0. (Download the publication)
- Monuments and Sites Vol. XVII: HISTORICAL polar bases - preservation and management. Edited by Susan Barr and Paul Chaplin for the International Polar Heritage Committee of ICOMOS. Oslo: ICOMOS IPHC, 2008. 95 p. ISBN: 978-82-996891-2-0
ICOMOS 16th General Assembly:
The final and amended Resolutions of the ICOMOS 16th General Assembly are available in the ICOMOS website.
Libellés :
polar heritage,
UNESCO Bangkok Publication available - Seeing with Young Eyes: Using Art to Teach about World Heritage
Seeing with Young Eyes: Using Art to Teach about World Heritage by UNESCO Bangkok
This publication provides creative lesson plan tools and an update on country activities in the field of World Heritage Education. This approach was presented at the third Sub-regional Southeast Asian Teacher Training Workshop on Using Art to Teach about World Heritage held from 15 to 21 January 2006 in Penang, Malaysia.
Download the publication in PDF
Source: ICCROM website
This publication provides creative lesson plan tools and an update on country activities in the field of World Heritage Education. This approach was presented at the third Sub-regional Southeast Asian Teacher Training Workshop on Using Art to Teach about World Heritage held from 15 to 21 January 2006 in Penang, Malaysia.
Download the publication in PDF
Source: ICCROM website
Libellés :
UNESCO Bangkok,
World Heritage Convention
Urban History News - November 2008
URBAN HISTORY NEWS - November 2008 Issue
The November 2008 issue of UHN is now on-line
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
The November 2008 issue of UHN is now on-line
Source: Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
Libellés :
Urban history
ICOMOS au Salon du Patrimoine 2008 (Paris)
ICOMOS International est présent au Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel, qui se tient du 6 au 9 novembre 2008 au Carrousel du Louvre à Paris,
ICOMOS est dans le stand "de l'Universel au local", organisé et partagé avec nos collègues de la Section Française de l’ICOMOS et le Réseau Grands Sites de France (RGSF)
Notre Stand se trouve dans la salle Soufflot, emplacement F4.
Dans le cadre du Salon, ICOMOS France présente l'exposition "Un patrimoine commun en Méditerranée: Fortifications de l'époque des Croisades", tenue pour toute la durée du Salon à l'emplacement C5, salle Gabriel.
Ci-dessous quelques photos du vernissage le mercredi 5 novembre.

Olivier Poisson (Vice-Président ICOMOS International), Bénédicte Selfslagh (Secrétaire Générale ICOMOS International), Julien Anfruns (Directeur Général de l'ICOM) et Gaia Jungeblodt (Directrice d'ICOMOS International)

ICOMOS est dans le stand "de l'Universel au local", organisé et partagé avec nos collègues de la Section Française de l’ICOMOS et le Réseau Grands Sites de France (RGSF)
Notre Stand se trouve dans la salle Soufflot, emplacement F4.
Dans le cadre du Salon, ICOMOS France présente l'exposition "Un patrimoine commun en Méditerranée: Fortifications de l'époque des Croisades", tenue pour toute la durée du Salon à l'emplacement C5, salle Gabriel.
Ci-dessous quelques photos du vernissage le mercredi 5 novembre.
Olivier Poisson (Vice-Président ICOMOS International), Bénédicte Selfslagh (Secrétaire Générale ICOMOS International), Julien Anfruns (Directeur Général de l'ICOM) et Gaia Jungeblodt (Directrice d'ICOMOS International)
Libellés :
ICOMOS France,
Salon du Patrimoine
Museum and Heritage Magazine, n° 3, 2008 - online
The n° 3, 2008 of the "Museum and Heritage Magazine" is now online to read or download.
View the magazine
View the magazine
E_Conservation Magazine - N° 7, October 2008
E-Conservation Magazine:
The 7th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download!
Issue No. 7, published on October 31, 2008
Download the magazine
The 7th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download!
Issue No. 7, published on October 31, 2008
Download the magazine
Libellés :
e_conservation magazine,
IFLA News Brief, n° 11 - 2008
The International Federation of Landscapes Architecture (IFLA):
IFLA News Brief n° 11 - 2008 (available)
IFLA News Brief n° 11 - 2008 (available)
Libellés :
Online Journals: New issues available - Rivista SITI
Rivista SITI: Trimestrale di politica ed attualità culturale. n° 4 Ottobre/Dicembre 2008
Libellés :
Rivista SITI,
World Heritage,
World Heritage List
The Intangible Heritage Messenger - Newsletter n° 10, October 2008
The UNESCO Intangible Heritage Section (ITH) has published the last issue of the 'Intangible Heritage Messenger' newsletter, available online:
- The Intangible Heritage Messenger - Newsletter n° 10, October 2008
- Le Messager du Patrimoine Immatériel - n° 10, Octobre 2008
- El Mensajero del Patrimonio Inmaterial - n° 10, Octubre de 2008 [Español]
- The Intangible Heritage Messenger - Newsletter n° 10, October 2008
- Le Messager du Patrimoine Immatériel - n° 10, Octobre 2008
- El Mensajero del Patrimonio Inmaterial - n° 10, Octubre de 2008 [Español]
Libellés :
Intangible heritage,
ICOMOS General Assembly - New doctrinal texts and Quebec Declaration
- The ICOMOS Charter on the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites [English - Français - Español]
- The ICOMOS Charter on Cultural Routes [English - Français - Español]
- The Quebec Declaration on the Preservation of the Spirit of the Place [English - Français]
- The ICOMOS Charter on Cultural Routes [English - Français - Español]
- The Quebec Declaration on the Preservation of the Spirit of the Place [English - Français]
Libellés :
Cultural routes,
Itinerarios culturales
IFLA Multicultural Library Manifesto
- The IFLA Multicultural Library Manifesto: The Multicultural Library – a gateway to a cultural diverse society in dialogue
- Manifiesto IFLA por la Biblioteca multicultural: La biblioteca multicultural: portal de acceso a una sociedad de culturas diversas en diálogo
- Manifiesto IFLA por la Biblioteca multicultural: La biblioteca multicultural: portal de acceso a una sociedad de culturas diversas en diálogo
Libellés :
cultural diversity,
ICOMOS Elections Results - Resultado de las Elecciones del ICOMOS
16th ICOMOS General Assembly - Elections Results
President: Gustavo Araoz
Secretary General: Benedicte Selfslagh
Treasurer General: Jadran Antolovic
Vice Presidents:
Kristal Buckley
Guo Zhan
Francisco Lopez Morales
Andrew Hall
Olivier Poisson
Executive Committee
Sofia Avgerinou Kolonias
Alfredo Conti
Gideon Koren
Kirsti Kovanen
Philippe La Hausse de la Louvière
Wilfried Lipp
Christoph Machat
Yasuyoshi Okada
Hae-Un Rii
Angela Rojas
Hristina Staneva
Boguslaw Szmygin
President: Gustavo Araoz
Secretary General: Benedicte Selfslagh
Treasurer General: Jadran Antolovic
Vice Presidents:
Kristal Buckley
Guo Zhan
Francisco Lopez Morales
Andrew Hall
Olivier Poisson
Executive Committee
Sofia Avgerinou Kolonias
Alfredo Conti
Gideon Koren
Kirsti Kovanen
Philippe La Hausse de la Louvière
Wilfried Lipp
Christoph Machat
Yasuyoshi Okada
Hae-Un Rii
Angela Rojas
Hristina Staneva
Boguslaw Szmygin
E_Conservation Magazine - N° 6, September 2008
The 6th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download!
Issue No. 6, published on 16th of September, 2008
Download the magazine
Issue No. 6, published on 16th of September, 2008
Download the magazine
Libellés :
e_conservation magazine,
Boletin de interpretación, n° 19, Septiembre 2008
El Boletin de Interpretación n° 19, septiembre 2008, de la Asociación para la Interpretación del Patrimonio (AIP) está disponible en la web de la Asociación
The 'Boletin de Interpretación' n° 19, september 2008, by the Association of Heritage Interpretation (AIP) is already available on the website
The 'Boletin de Interpretación' n° 19, september 2008, by the Association of Heritage Interpretation (AIP) is already available on the website
Libellés :
News from the Getty Conservation Institute - September 2008
- Conservation: the GCI Newsletter, Volume 23, 2 (Summer 2008) - Available online
- The Getty Conservation Institute, the World Monuments Fund and Jordanian and Iraqi Heritage Authorities partner to create Middle Eastern Geodatabase for antiquities.
Bilingual, Web-Based Geographic Information Systems Will Aid in Protecting and Managing Important Archaeological Sites in the Middle East. More information in the GCI website
- The Getty Conservation Institute, the World Monuments Fund and Jordanian and Iraqi Heritage Authorities partner to create Middle Eastern Geodatabase for antiquities.
Bilingual, Web-Based Geographic Information Systems Will Aid in Protecting and Managing Important Archaeological Sites in the Middle East. More information in the GCI website
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
World Monuments Fund
ICCROM - New PDF document online
Risk preparedness: A management manual for World Cultural Heritage. By Herb Stovel. Rome: ICCROM, 1998.
This volume addresses the issue of risk preparedness in both general and specific terms. After an introduction to the overall context and principles, the author then discusses property-specific strategies for various major risks, such as fire, earthquakes, flooding, armed conflict and other hazards. The final section covers putting risk-preparedness into practice. A list of sources and various key documents are also provided.
Download the book
This volume addresses the issue of risk preparedness in both general and specific terms. After an introduction to the overall context and principles, the author then discusses property-specific strategies for various major risks, such as fire, earthquakes, flooding, armed conflict and other hazards. The final section covers putting risk-preparedness into practice. A list of sources and various key documents are also provided.
Download the book
Libellés :
Heritage at Risk,
risk preparedness
Draft of the Quebec Declaration available for your comments
The Draft of the "Quebec Declaration on the preservation of the spirit of place through the safeguarding of tangible and intangible heritage" is available on the following blog for your comments and suggestions:
See the Quebec Declaration
See the Quebec Declaration
Libellés :
Intangible heritage
Europa Nostra Declaration on the impact of wind-power on the countrysite
From Europa Nostra
At its meeting in NewcastleGateshead, United Kingdom, on 14 June 2008, the Council of Europa Nostra debated the environmental and heritage implications of the rapidly increasing use of wind-power for electricity generation.
Read the Europa Nostra Declaration
At its meeting in NewcastleGateshead, United Kingdom, on 14 June 2008, the Council of Europa Nostra debated the environmental and heritage implications of the rapidly increasing use of wind-power for electricity generation.
Read the Europa Nostra Declaration
Libellés :
Europa Nostra
Getty Conservation Institute Bulletin - New
Message from the Getty Conservation Institute:
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce the launch in October 2008 of the GCI Bulletin, the Getty Conservation Institute's new electronic bulletin. It will complement the GCI's print newsletter, Conservation. Published six times a year, the GCI Bulletin offers updates on our events, science and field projects, educational initiatives, and publications and videos.
Sign up for the GCI Bulletin now.
Sincerely yours,
The Getty Conservation Institute
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to announce the launch in October 2008 of the GCI Bulletin, the Getty Conservation Institute's new electronic bulletin. It will complement the GCI's print newsletter, Conservation. Published six times a year, the GCI Bulletin offers updates on our events, science and field projects, educational initiatives, and publications and videos.
Sign up for the GCI Bulletin now.
Sincerely yours,
The Getty Conservation Institute
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
The ICOMOS Documentation Centre - August
The ICOMOS Documentation Centre will be closed from 11th to 22nd of August 2008
Le Centre de Documentation de l'ICOMOS sera fermé du 11 au 22 Août 2008
El Centro de Documentación del ICOMOS estará cerrado al público del 11 al 22 de agosto de 2008
Le Centre de Documentation de l'ICOMOS sera fermé du 11 au 22 Août 2008
El Centro de Documentación del ICOMOS estará cerrado al público del 11 al 22 de agosto de 2008
Libellés :
ICOMOS Documentation Centre
ATHAR Glossary of Arabic Terms
Glossary of theoretical terms developed by Dr Hossam Mahdy for the ATHĀR programme and intended for conservation professionals working in the Arab region. This is a preliminary document distributed to invite discussion and comments.
Download the glossary
Source: ICCROM website
Download the glossary
Source: ICCROM website
Libellés :
ICOMOS Declarations - Déclarations ICOMOS
- Declaracion de Foz do Iguaçu / Declaration of Foz do Iguaçu (ICOMOS Argentina, ICOMOS Brazil, ICOMOS Chile, ICOMOS Mexico, ICOMOS Paraguay)
Texto en español - Text in English
- Déclaration d'ICOMOS France: "Concilier performance énergétique et qualité patrimoniale"
Texto en español - Text in English
- Déclaration d'ICOMOS France: "Concilier performance énergétique et qualité patrimoniale"
ICOMOS old publication online: Proceedings of a Conference, Graz, 1969
Kolloquium: Der verkehr in den historischen stadtzentren. Graz, 5-10 Oktober 1969. Paris: ICOMOS, 1972. 147 p.
The proceedings of the ICOMOS Conference held in Graz, 5-10 Oktober 1969, have just been digitized by the Documentation Centre and made available on the ICOMOS website.
Download the proceedings / Téléchargez les actes
The proceedings of the ICOMOS Conference held in Graz, 5-10 Oktober 1969, have just been digitized by the Documentation Centre and made available on the ICOMOS website.
Download the proceedings / Téléchargez les actes
Libellés :
historic town centres,
ICOMOS Annual Report 2006 available on the website
The ICOMOS Annual Report 2006 is available on the ICOMOS website. / Le Rapport Annuel 2006 de l'ICOMOS est désormais sur le site web de l'ICOMOS.
Download / Téléchargez
Download / Téléchargez
Libellés :
Annual Reports,
UNESCO World Heritage Centre: New publications online
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre has just published two new publications, available in PDF in their website:
- World Heritage Papers n° 23: Enhancing our heritage toolkit, assessing management effectiveness of natural World Heritage Sites(Download)
- World Heritage Papers n° 24: Rock Art in the Caribbean: Towards a serial transnational nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List (Download)
- World Heritage Papers n° 23: Enhancing our heritage toolkit, assessing management effectiveness of natural World Heritage Sites(Download)
- World Heritage Papers n° 24: Rock Art in the Caribbean: Towards a serial transnational nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List (Download)
Libellés :
natural heritage,
rock art,
Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site: Management plan 2008-2014
The pre-publication draft of the Management Plan for Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site 2008-2014 is available online.
Download the document
Source: http://www.hadrians-wall.org/
Download the document
Source: http://www.hadrians-wall.org/
E_Conservation Magazine - N° 5, June 2008
The 5th issue of e_conservation magazine is now online and available for free download!
Issue No. 5, published on 30th June, 2008
Download the magazine
Issue No. 5, published on 30th June, 2008
Download the magazine
Libellés :
e_conservation magazine,
Getty Conservation Institute: New video
The Asian Organic Colorants project is a collaborative scientific research project to develop a strategy for the analysis of traditional Chinese organic colorants used as textile dyes and organic pigments in Chinese wall paintings and for the analysis of organic colorants used as textile dyes and organic pigments in Asia. Detection and identification of traditional Chinese organic colorants presents a challenge not only because many of the biological sources used to create them have not been well studied, but because in the case of is organic paints, concentrations of these colorants are relatively low compared with inorganic pigments and binding media. Much less is known of these colorants than of the dye and organic pigment sources used in Europe and the Americas.
See the video
See the video
Libellés :
Getty Conservation Institute,
France: Déclaration solennelle pour le patrimoine
FRANCE: Alertés de la réduction drastique des crédits effectivement
disponibles pour l’entretien et la restauration du patrimoine et inquiets de certaines prises de positions récentes sur de prétendues
niches fiscales abusives dans les secteurs des monuments historiques
et espaces protégés, les associations nationales de sauvegarde du
patrimoine bâti et paysager ont pris l'initiative de rédiger une
déclaration solennelle sur le patrimoine.
Lire la Déclaration
disponibles pour l’entretien et la restauration du patrimoine et inquiets de certaines prises de positions récentes sur de prétendues
niches fiscales abusives dans les secteurs des monuments historiques
et espaces protégés, les associations nationales de sauvegarde du
patrimoine bâti et paysager ont pris l'initiative de rédiger une
déclaration solennelle sur le patrimoine.
Lire la Déclaration
Libellés :
Museum and Heritage Magazine, n° 2, 2008 - online
The n° 2, 2008 of the "Museum and Heritage Magazine" is now online to read or download.
View the magazine
View the magazine
Libellés :
e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico - Numero 2 Junio 2008
El número 2, Junio 2008, de 'e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico', acaba de ser publicado. Consulte el contenido de la revista en http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es
The number 2, June 2008, of 'e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico' has just been published. Read the contents in http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es
The number 2, June 2008, of 'e-rph: Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico' has just been published. Read the contents in http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es
Libellés :
ICOMOS publication online
The UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre has just digitized the proceedings of the "Symposium ICOMOS CSSR: Premier colloque sur les problèmes posés par la sauvegarde de l’architecture populaire.Slovakia 1971".
The full text in available on the ICOMOS Website
Download the document
The full text in available on the ICOMOS Website
Download the document
Libellés :
"ICOMOS Bulletin" collection (1971 - 1987) online
The "ICOMOS Bulletin" collection, published between 1971 and 1987, has just been digitized by the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre and made available in the ICOMOS Website:
Download the publications
The 7 issues of that collection are:
N° 1: Hungary / Hongrie - 1971
N° 2: USSR / URSS – 1971
N° 3: République Fédérale d’Allemagne / Federal Republic of Germany – 1975
N° 4: Tchécoslovaquie / Czechoslovakia – 1976
N° 5: République Démocratique Allemande / German Democratic Republic – 1978
N° 6: The cultural heritage in Sweden – 1981
N° 7: Norway: A cultural heritage / norvège: un patrimoine culturel - 1987
Download the publications
The 7 issues of that collection are:
N° 1: Hungary / Hongrie - 1971
N° 2: USSR / URSS – 1971
N° 3: République Fédérale d’Allemagne / Federal Republic of Germany – 1975
N° 4: Tchécoslovaquie / Czechoslovakia – 1976
N° 5: République Démocratique Allemande / German Democratic Republic – 1978
N° 6: The cultural heritage in Sweden – 1981
N° 7: Norway: A cultural heritage / norvège: un patrimoine culturel - 1987
Libellés :
Online Journals: New issues available
- Rivista SITI: Trimestrale di politica ed attualità culturale. n° 3 Luglio/Settembre 2008 - (Download / Télécharger / Descargar)
- ARX : Online Journal of Military Architecture and Fortification. N° 6, May 2008
(Download / Télécharger / Descargar)
- Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. Vol. 1, n° 1, 2008
(Download / Télécharger / Descargar)
- ARX : Online Journal of Military Architecture and Fortification. N° 6, May 2008
(Download / Télécharger / Descargar)
- Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. Vol. 1, n° 1, 2008
(Download / Télécharger / Descargar)
Libellés :
Military Architecture,
Rivista SITI,
World Heritage List
ICOMOS France: New publication

"Un patrimoine commun en méditerranée: Fortifications de l'époque des croisades". Published by ICOMOS France.
Libellés :
ICOMOS France,
New publications online
- Papers of the International Conference "Museums and the Web 2008", Montreal, Canada, April 9-12 2008 (See the selected papers)
- "Heritage tourism in Australia: a guide for historical societies" by Dr Dianne Snowden. Published by the Federation of Australian Historical Societies (FAHS).Download the publication
- Second meeting of CIVVIH-ICOMOS for the Mediterranean in Corfu (April 18-20, 2008): The documentation and the resolutions are available online
- New ICCROM publication: "Sharing Conservation Decisions: lessons learnt from an ICCROM course", edited by Rosalia Varoli Piazza. Download the publication
- "Heritage tourism in Australia: a guide for historical societies" by Dr Dianne Snowden. Published by the Federation of Australian Historical Societies (FAHS).Download the publication
- Second meeting of CIVVIH-ICOMOS for the Mediterranean in Corfu (April 18-20, 2008): The documentation and the resolutions are available online
- New ICCROM publication: "Sharing Conservation Decisions: lessons learnt from an ICCROM course", edited by Rosalia Varoli Piazza. Download the publication
Libellés :
New ICOMOS publication: Heritage at Risk 2006-2007: ICOMOS World Report on Monuments and Sites in Danger

Heritage at Risk 2006-2007: ICOMOS World Report on Monuments and Sites in Danger
The new World Report 2006/2007 on Monuments and Sites in Danger provides a broad spectrum of threats in the different regions of the world. Apart from 40 National Reports there are also current reports on cross-national topics, such as endangered rock paintings in North Africa and Australia, threats to vernacular architecture or to our archaeological heritage. Many of the threats discussed in the previous Heritage at Risk reports still exist, for instance dam projects in Turkey or threats to cultural heritage caused by military conflicts in Iraq and the Near East. Often conservation concerns are being sacrificed for purely commercial interests. This is being demonstrated for example by skyscraper projects in St Petersburg, Prague, Istanbul or Vienna exceeding all traditional dimensions or by the disfigurement of historic town quarters and cultural landscapes in countries such as Hungary, Romania or Moldova.
For the first time, the World Report 2006/2007 also contains a number of studies dealing with the effects of the worldwide climate change on our cultural heritage. Case studies demonstrate how different world regions, for instance the Canadian coastline, the Antarctic and Southern Europe, are already affected by climate change. Being aware of this interaction between natural and cultural heritage, ICOMOS has increased its commitment in Brazil by recently declaring the tropical rainforest of Amazonia a "monument of nature".
Download the document
Libellés :
Climate Change,
Heritage at Risk,
The Intangible Heritage Messenger - Newsletter n° 9, June 2008
The last issue of the Intanbible Heritage Messenger (N° 9, June 2008), the newsletter of the UNESCO Culture Sector - Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), is available on their website.
English - Français - Español
English - Français - Español
Libellés :
Intangible heritage,
Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage - General Assembly of the States Parties
The second session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will take place from 16 to 19 June 2008 at UNESCO Headquarters.
La deuxième session de l'Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel aura lieu du 16 au 19 juin 2008 au Siège de l'UNESCO.
La segunda reunión de la Asamblea General de Estados Partes en la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial tendrá lugar del 16 al 19 de junio de 2008 en la Sede de la UNESCO
More information in the UNESCO Culture Sector - Intangible heritage website
La deuxième session de l'Assemblée générale des États parties à la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel aura lieu du 16 au 19 juin 2008 au Siège de l'UNESCO.
La segunda reunión de la Asamblea General de Estados Partes en la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial tendrá lugar del 16 al 19 de junio de 2008 en la Sede de la UNESCO
More information in the UNESCO Culture Sector - Intangible heritage website
Libellés :
Intangible heritage
ICCROM - New PDF document online
ARC Laboratory Handbook. Ernesto Borrelli and Andrea Urland, 1999. ICCROM. Book
The handbook is intended to assist professionals working in the field of conservation of architectural heritage, historic structures and materials. Prepared principally for architects and engineers, it may also be relevant for conservator-restorers, archaeologists and others. It is structured as follows: Vol. 1: Introduction, Vol. 2: Porosity, Vol. 3: Salts, Vol. 4: Binders, Vol. 5: Colour specification and measurement
Download the document
Source: ICCROM Website
The handbook is intended to assist professionals working in the field of conservation of architectural heritage, historic structures and materials. Prepared principally for architects and engineers, it may also be relevant for conservator-restorers, archaeologists and others. It is structured as follows: Vol. 1: Introduction, Vol. 2: Porosity, Vol. 3: Salts, Vol. 4: Binders, Vol. 5: Colour specification and measurement
Download the document
Source: ICCROM Website
Libellés :
UNESCO World Heritage Centre: Policy document on the impacts of climate change on World Heritage Properties
The "Policy document on the impacts of climate change on World Heritage properties", adopted by the 16th General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, has been published in English and French.
The document was prepared with the participation of relevant climate change experts and practitioners of heritage conservation and management, appropriate international organizations and civil society, and was also endorsed by the World Heritage Committee at its 31st session in 2007.
The document touches on synergies between conventions on the issue; identification of future research needs in this area, legal questions on the role of the World Heritage Convention with regard to suitable responses to Climate Change, and linkages to other UN and international bodies dealing with the issues of climate change.
The document can be downloaded below and elsewhere on this website. A printed copy can be requested by writing to wh-info@unesco.org.
Download the document
Parution du document d'orientation sur le changement climatique et les sites du patrimoine mondial
Le « Document d'orientation sur les impacts du changement climatique sur les biens du patrimoine mondial » adopté par la 16è Assemblée générale des Etats parties à la Convention du patrimoine mondial a été publié en anglais et en français.
Ce document a été préparé avec la participation d'experts en changement climatique et de praticiens de la conservation et la gestion du patrimoine, ainsi que la contribution d'organisations internationales appropriées et de la société civile. Il a été avalisé par le Comité du patrimoine mondial lors de sa 31è session en 2007.
Ce document traite des synergies existant entre les différentes conventions sur cette question, de l'identification des futurs besoins dans le domaine de la recherche, des questions juridiques sur le rôle de la Convention du patrimoine mondial en regard des réponses adéquates face au changement climatique, et des liens avec les autres organes des Nations Unies et organismes internationaux traitant de cette problématique.
Le document peut être téléchargé en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous. Un exemplaire peut également être demandé en écrivant à wh-info@unesco.org
Téléchargez le document
Source: UNESCO World Heritage Centre website
The document was prepared with the participation of relevant climate change experts and practitioners of heritage conservation and management, appropriate international organizations and civil society, and was also endorsed by the World Heritage Committee at its 31st session in 2007.
The document touches on synergies between conventions on the issue; identification of future research needs in this area, legal questions on the role of the World Heritage Convention with regard to suitable responses to Climate Change, and linkages to other UN and international bodies dealing with the issues of climate change.
The document can be downloaded below and elsewhere on this website. A printed copy can be requested by writing to wh-info@unesco.org.
Download the document
Parution du document d'orientation sur le changement climatique et les sites du patrimoine mondial
Le « Document d'orientation sur les impacts du changement climatique sur les biens du patrimoine mondial » adopté par la 16è Assemblée générale des Etats parties à la Convention du patrimoine mondial a été publié en anglais et en français.
Ce document a été préparé avec la participation d'experts en changement climatique et de praticiens de la conservation et la gestion du patrimoine, ainsi que la contribution d'organisations internationales appropriées et de la société civile. Il a été avalisé par le Comité du patrimoine mondial lors de sa 31è session en 2007.
Ce document traite des synergies existant entre les différentes conventions sur cette question, de l'identification des futurs besoins dans le domaine de la recherche, des questions juridiques sur le rôle de la Convention du patrimoine mondial en regard des réponses adéquates face au changement climatique, et des liens avec les autres organes des Nations Unies et organismes internationaux traitant de cette problématique.
Le document peut être téléchargé en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous. Un exemplaire peut également être demandé en écrivant à wh-info@unesco.org
Téléchargez le document
Source: UNESCO World Heritage Centre website
New ICCROM publication - PDF
The Role of Architecture in Preventive Conservation. Franciza Toledo, 2006. ICCROM. Report.
ICCROM Fellowship report that discusses the climate responsiveness of historic and modern buildings, especially when reused for museum purposes, and how these buildings can be designed or adapted using architectural solutions to provide passive climate control for the preventive conservation of museum, library and archive collections. The use of forced ventilation is also described. Presents extensive documentation from the PREMA course, especially as related to the design and improvement of museum storage facilities in Africa.
Click here to download
ICCROM Fellowship report that discusses the climate responsiveness of historic and modern buildings, especially when reused for museum purposes, and how these buildings can be designed or adapted using architectural solutions to provide passive climate control for the preventive conservation of museum, library and archive collections. The use of forced ventilation is also described. Presents extensive documentation from the PREMA course, especially as related to the design and improvement of museum storage facilities in Africa.
Click here to download
Libellés :
ICOMOS News, Vol. 17, n° 1, June 2008
The last issue of ICOMOS News Volume 17, n° 1 June 2008 has just been published and sent out to all the ICOMOS members.

Libellés :
ICOMOS Newsletter
Welcome - Bienvenus - Bienvenidos
Welcome to the blog of the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre.
With this blog we intend to provide information to the international community in the field of conservation of cultural heritage about new publications, documentation, bibliographic resources, etc.
We invite you to participate in this blog leaving your comments, suggestions, information, etc in order to make this blog an useful interactive tool for the scientific community.
Bienvenus au blog du Centre de Documentation UNESCO-ICOMOS.
Avec ce blog nous avons l'intention de fournir de l'information à la communauté scientifique internationale dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine culturel sur des nouvelles publications, documentation, information bibliographique, etc.
Nous vous invitons à participer dans le blog avec vos commentaires, suggestions, informations, etc et faire de ce blog un outil interactif d'intérêt pour toute la communauté scientifique.
Bienvenidos al blog del Centro de Documentación UNESCO-ICOMOS.
Con este blog vamos a intentar informar a la comunidad científica internacional en el campo de la conservación del patrimonio cultural sobre novedades en cuanto a publicaciones, documentacion, information bibliográfica, entre otras cosas.
Te invitamos a participar con tus comentarios, sugerencias, informaciones, etc con el fin de hacer de este blog una herramienta interactiva interesante para la comunidad científica.
With this blog we intend to provide information to the international community in the field of conservation of cultural heritage about new publications, documentation, bibliographic resources, etc.
We invite you to participate in this blog leaving your comments, suggestions, information, etc in order to make this blog an useful interactive tool for the scientific community.
Bienvenus au blog du Centre de Documentation UNESCO-ICOMOS.
Avec ce blog nous avons l'intention de fournir de l'information à la communauté scientifique internationale dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine culturel sur des nouvelles publications, documentation, information bibliographique, etc.
Nous vous invitons à participer dans le blog avec vos commentaires, suggestions, informations, etc et faire de ce blog un outil interactif d'intérêt pour toute la communauté scientifique.
Bienvenidos al blog del Centro de Documentación UNESCO-ICOMOS.
Con este blog vamos a intentar informar a la comunidad científica internacional en el campo de la conservación del patrimonio cultural sobre novedades en cuanto a publicaciones, documentacion, information bibliográfica, entre otras cosas.
Te invitamos a participar con tus comentarios, sugerencias, informaciones, etc con el fin de hacer de este blog una herramienta interactiva interesante para la comunidad científica.
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Articles (Atom)