
CIVVIH July Newsletter online

The International Committee on Historic Towns and Villages has released its July newsletter.

Download the PDF file of the English version (150 KB) / the French version (150 KB)

More information on CIVVIH Website


New acquisitions at ICOMOS Documentation Centre

We wish to present our readers two beautiful books newly acquired by ICOMOS Documentation Centre. Published by Editions Gelbart, "Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO : les sites français" et "Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO : les sites marocains" are two wonderful photographical voyages through UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO : les sites français. Pierron, Jacques (text) and Gelbart, Jean-Jacques (Photographs). Toulouse, France, Editions Gelbart, 2009. 323 p.

Leaf through the book online:
click here

Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO : les sites marocains. Gelbart, Jean-Jacques (Photographs). Toulouse, France, Editions Gelbart, 2009. 149 p.

Leaf through the book online:
click here

Editions Gelbart website: http://gelbart-photographe.fr/index.php


Cuba Arqueológica. Revista digital de Arqueología de Cuba y el Caribe - Año III, n° 3, enero - junio de 2010

El n° 3 de 2010 de "Cuba Arqueológica. Revista digital de Arqueología de Cuba y el Caribe (ISSN: 1852-0723) acaba de ser publicada en la web de Cuba Arqueológica.

Download/Pueden descargarlo directamente aqui (PDF, 11,50 MB)

Cuba Arqueologica